Early Childhood Educator – Spareboard

Closing: Ongoing
    Job Category: Support Staff (CUPE)


 The Greater Victoria School District #61 is looking to hire certified Early Childhood Educators (ECE) to work alongside teachers in Kindergarten and early primary classrooms.

The Greater Victoria School District provides public educational services to over 20,000 students in the Greater Victoria Area, encompassing six municipalities.  To provide this service, the District has a current operating budget of $210 million and employs approximately 3,500 staff; which includes, teachers, principals and vice-principals, support staff, psychologists, speech and language pathologists and exempt managerial staff.

Under the direction of the early learning and child care District Principal and reporting to the school administration, the ECE will work in kindergarten and/or kindergarten/grade one classrooms, planning and facilitating playbased learning inquiries alongside the teacher. The classroom-based ECE is responsible for facilitating practices aligned with the BC Early Learning Framework. The classroom-based ECE will collaborate with the teacher partner(s) and school administration to create a support plan that is responsive to the school context and serves to strengthen each student’s personal developmental pathway.

Education and Experience:

  • Certificate in Early Childhood Education (two year)
  • Valid License issued by Community Care Facilities Branch BC
  • Valid Child Safe First Aid Certificate
  • One (1) year experience working with children in the early years (birth – 8 years)

Although this is currently an on-call position, it can lead to continuing employment in the future. This position falls within the CUPE 947 Collective Agreement at a pay rate of $30.00 per hour, plus 13% in lieu of benefits. For a complete job description, please click here.

Please send your cover letter, resume, proof of qualifications, as well as email contact information for three professional references, to:

Human Resource Services
Greater Victoria School District #61
By email: supportjobs@sd61.bc.ca

 While we appreciate all applications received, only those selected to be interviewed will be contacted.


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