Student Collaboration Folders Structure and Use

Student Collaboration Folders Structure and Use:

Note: Individual work should be saved in users’ home folder where it cannot be seen, modified or deleted by other user.

Student Collaboration Folders

Collaboration folders can be created for staff to work with their students.  Staff can find these folders under “w:\students\” while students will see these folders under their “W:\”

Within these collaboration folders, there should be 4 sub folders: “Assignment”, “Hand-in”, “Work” and “Student Homes”.  These folders are created with very specific security settings in order to protect data and allow a collaborative workflow.

Manually creating folders outside of these folders will result in those folders not having the appropriate security settings, and may be unusable.  We strongly discourage creating such folders.

The collaboration folders will be archived during the summer months to make way for the new years’ folders.  Please ensure you have copied any important documents out of the collaboration folders prior to summer vacation.


The Assignment folder is a folder where you can put files for your students to pick up.  Students cannot save to that folder or modify documents in that folder.  You can create subfolders in this folder in order to organize the documents.  Always keep a backup of the documents saved in this folder.


The Hand-in folder is a place where students can submit documents to you.  Students can browse this folder, Student may delete or modify their own document in the “Hand-in” folder.

In addition, special security settings prevent students from viewing other students’ documents and they cannot modify or delete another students’ work.

Teachers and students can create sub folders in the “Hand-In” folder in order to keep organized.


The Work folder allows for staff and students to collaborate with each other.  There is no specific security here.  Any member of the division can create, save, modify and delete documents and subfolders in this folder.  This folder is also the “My Documents” or “H:” drive for the generic division accounts. Creating subfolders in the “Work” folder is a great way to keep organized.  Please keep backup copied of any documents saved in “Work” since any user can modify or delete the documents.


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