Long Term Facilities Plan

A long-term facilities plan has been developed to guide capital investment, facility maintenance and community partnerships involving District buildings and lands.  A comprehensive review of all buildings and programming occurred and was overseen by the Facilities Plan Committee, a committee of trustees, staff, students and parents.

The Facilities Plan Committee made the following recommendations to the Board of Education when creating the Long Term Facilities Plan:

  • Align the plan with the goals and vision of the Board’s Strategic Plan;
  • Incorporate principles of sustainability both operationally and environmentally;
  • Focus on supporting students;
  • Incorporate principles of equity across the District;
  • Explain significant variances, risks to the forecasts and proposed changes to spending plans requiring approval.

The committee recommended that the District Long Term Facilities Plan take into consideration:

  • Demographics, Utilization and Capacity;
  • Programming and Future Needs;
  • Facility Condition;
  • Community Partnership and Enterprise;
  • Lands and Leasing; and
  • Appendices – Schools Specific Information.

A draft report was provided at the June 2017 Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting. A final report was provided in September 2017 to the Operations Policy and Planning Committee.

Long Term Facilities Plan:

Long Term Facilities Plan

Long Term Facilities Plan – Appendices – School Specific Information







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