Student Google Workspace for Education Account

What is a Google Workspace for Education Student Account?

A Google Workspace for Education student account allows students to access their learning within a secure online collaboration platform provided and managed by the School District. Google’s suite of online tools offer unlimited online file storage and are accessible from any device that has access to the internet.

Google Workspace for Education provides the following digital tools:

  • Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Meet
  • Workplace Apps: Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms
  • Google Classroom
  • Read&Write by TextHelp extension for Google Chrome


Student account information (student first and last name, grade level  SD61 student number), as well as any documents uploaded onto Google Workspace for Education will be disclosed and stored on secure servers located beyond Canada, and may be subject to the laws of foreign jurisdictions. Privacy legislation requires that we inform you of this and obtain your consent. In addition to the student account information above, a student’s Google Workspace for Education account may also include:

  • Classroom assignments, research notes, presentations, school-based projects
  • Multimedia objects created by students (e.g., videos, pictures, audio files, animations, etc)
  • Assessments (e.g., teacher comments, peer feedback, surveys, etc)
  • Communication with teachers and other students related to educational purposes
  • Indirect collection in relation to educational purposes of using G Suite for Education (posting and collection of personal information from someone other than the individual the information is about)

More Privacy information can be viewed on this page.

Password Resets

If students are having trouble with their password a member of the school staff can also reset the password using Tools For Schools.


Students from K-8

Parent consent is required for a SD61 Google account. Consent is granted through the Parent Connect Portal. Parents should review the status of consent items annually. This video gives a brief overview of how and why to use Parent Connect. Please speak with your child’s teacher if you have more questions about this process.

Secondary Students (Gr 9-12)

Secondary Students use Student Connect to manage their Google account consent. They can grant or revoke consent at any time. Students transitioning between Gr. 8 and Gr. 9 will automatically have the previous year’s consent status transferred to Student Connect.

New Account Requests

Students who are new to the district, and parents of elementary students without accounts, can follow the instructions on this page to request a new Google Workspace for Education account.


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