Safety First During Inclement Weather
The Greater Victoria School District spans many different micro-climates and we understand that some areas may be affected more than others, including varying road conditions and potential power outages during inclement weather.
Student and staff safety is our first priority and a shared responsibility. Parents and caregivers may decide whether they feel comfortable sending their child to school based on inclement weather. We support and respect your decision. If you decide not to send your child to school, please notify the school of their absence.
Inclement Weather Notifications
During an emergency, inclement weather, power outage, or other similar incident, it is a priority to communicate effectively to parents, students, and community partners. We work closely with local municipalities and emergency services to gather accurate information about road conditions and safety considerations.
We will work quickly to determine impacts to school so parents can adjust plans accordingly in the early morning hours. We make every effort to determine school closures due to inclement weather by 6:30 am.
School and District-wide closures are communicated through:
- The Greater Victoria School District Website: An alert system is utilized on the front page of this website to draw your attention to the most pertinent information. Please use this website as your official source of information.
- Social Media: Help us share updates by sharing posts with your friends and followers on Facebook (Greater Victoria School District) and Instagram (@sd61schools ).
- Local Media: To reach as many people as possible in a timely fashion, we work closely with our local media to share information. Listen to local radio stations and follow local news outlets for updates.
Early Dismissal Due to Inclement Weather
Closure During School Hours
If weather conditions change throughout the school day and create a concern for safety, a decision to close a school may be made in collaboration with the school principal and Superintendent. While every effort will be made to keep schools open, parents are encouraged to establish a plan for their children in the event of an early dismissal. Closure announcements will be made by the aforementioned methods.
- Elementary and Middle Schools – Staff will contact parents and/or emergency contacts. Students may only leave with their parent or caregiver.
- Secondary Schools – Students are able to leave after the closure announcement is made and it is deemed safe.
School Bus Cancellation
School bus transportation may be cancelled or routes may be altered when the Superintendent is advised by the Facilities and Transportation Departments that roads and pick-up/drop-off areas are in poor condition and not safe. Notification of route closures or alterations (including Thirdwave buses) will be made by the aforementioned methods.
Stay Safe and Prepared
Families can help ensure they are prepared for all weather conditions:
- Dress children in weather appropriate clothing, including footwear and layers.
- Incorporate more time into morning routines to account for increased traffic and road conditions. Expect pick-up and drop-off areas to be more congested than usual.
- Make back-up travel and care arrangements for children during school closures and early dismissals.
- Take care during travels to and from school, especially when conditions create icy roads and sidewalks.