
2023-2024 School Year Budget

The Board of Education has approved the budget development process for the 2023/2024 school year. Between November 2022 and April 2023, the District will be providing opportunities to connect students, staff, administrators, the Four Houses, parents and guardians, along with members of the public, to provide input and learn more about resource allocation. The District will host facilitated discussions, public meetings and a student symposium.

Budget Documents

23-24 SD61 Annual Budget

23-24 SD61 Amended Annual Budget

Values & Guiding Principles

Multi-Year Financial Plan 2023-2026

SD61 23-24 Budget Process – BOARD APPROVED JAN 30-23
Media Release – Board Approves Budget Plan for the 2023-2024 School Year

Budget Advisory Committee

Budget Advisory Committee – TOR

DateEvent Description Attachments
November 10Budget Advisory MeetingAgenda | Minutes | Presentation
December 8Budget Advisory MeetingAgenda | Minutes | Presentation
January 5Talking Tables - Rightsholders & StakeholdersReport
January 13Student SymposiumReport
January 19Budget Advisory MeetingAgenda| Minutes | Presentation
February 9Budget Advisory MeetingAgenda | Minutes | Presentation
February 23Budget Advisory MeetingAgenda | Minutes | Presentation
March 2Budget Advisory MeetingAgenda | Minutes | Presentation
March 7Public Budget MeetingPublic Feedback
March 9Budget Advisory MeetingAgenda | Minutes | Presentation
March 14Present Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations to PublicAgenda
March 7-17Public Feedback Period
April 4Special Open Board Meeting – Budget
First and Second Bylaw Reading
April 6Third or Second and Third Bylaw ReadingAgenda
May 4Budget Advisory MeetingAgenda


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