Regulation 4115.1 Teacher Exchanges (Within School District #61)

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A teacher desiring an exchange position with a teacher in another school within the Greater Victoria School District should submit a written request to that effect to the Deputy/Associate Superintendent of Schools (Administration), stating the reasons for the request.

In the first instance, an exchange will be for a maximum period of one school year, with a possible extension for a further year, if the Principals and teachers involved are in agreement.

Requests for exchange should reach the School Board office not later than the last school day before the Spring Break.

The teacher should ask their school Principal to sign the request, or to attach to the request a letter supporting the teacher’s request.

If both Principals agree that there is a sound educational reason for the exchange, the Deputy/Associate Superintendent of Schools (Administration) will consider the request, and will inform both teachers and Principals simultaneously when the exchange has been approved.

At the end of the agreed period of the exchange, both teachers will normally be expected to return to their original schools. Where changes in organization make this return impractical, the Deputy/Associate Superintendent of Schools (Administration) will, in consultation with the teacher, explore alternatives. In accordance with Section 9 (e) and 9 (f) of the Public Schools Act, the Superintendent of Schools reserves the right to assign or transfer teachers to schools within the Greater Victoria School District.


Reference:      (TBD)
Adopted:          March 7, 2022
Revised:          (TBD)


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