Regulation 1332.41 Playing Fields – Vehicles

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Licensed power-driven vehicles – trucks, cars, motorcycles, etc. may be permitted access and egress to school parking lots or delivery areas on roadways designed for that purpose.

Go-carts or other unlicensed vehicles shall not be driven on school roads, fields, tracks, parking lots, or paths.

The riding of bicycles is restricted to parking lots, roads and paths. The riding of bicycles on school fields or other grassed areas is permitted if it is part of an organized skills course or similar educational program, provided such activity does not cause damage to fields that would require remediation.

Under no circumstances shall any vehicle other than School District No. 61 maintenance vehicles be driven on school playing fields or other grass areas.


Reference: (TBD)
Adopted: June 1972
Revised: May 1974, June 1987, September 2015


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