In accordance with:
a) current legislation indicating that unless the educational needs of a handicapped student indicate that the educational program should be provided otherwise, a Board shall provide a student with an educational program in classrooms where that student is integrated with other students who do not have handicaps, and
b) the professional direction of making each educational environment more enabling for students with special needs, and
c) the District’s intention to provide equitable levels of service to students with special needs, regardless of setting,
all students will be welcomed in their catchment area schools. When the School-based Team becomes concerned that the student’s personalized goals are not being met, the team, in consultation with parents will explore, plan and implement student program changes that will result in achievement of the policy goal.
Policy Statement:
The Board of Trustees is committed to the rights of all students to have an educational program that will maximize the opportunity for students to achieve their personalized learning goals. Specific student support/special education services will be provided in all schools in order to facilitate inclusion. Additional and/or alternative services will be provided, as resources permit, when the inclusive setting cannot provide the optimum opportunity for students to achieve the outlined goals.
Greater Victoria School District
Adopted: October 25, 1993