Each school will develop a plan for a broad school-wide approach for the use of learning resources.
- Reflect an intentional change from single text-based instruction to resource-based Instruction;
- Include an outline of the process by which all learning resources in the school are selected, ordered, received, catalogued, processed, housed, circulated and maintained;
- Include the application of resource management and resource acquisition software (library automation) with the idea of maximizing access to information;
- Be congruent with the District’s and School’s Technology Plan.
- All learning resources which are consistent with the educational goals of the Ministry and relevant to the objectives of a particular course and appropriate to the learner’s age level and learning style are acceptable for use in this school district.
- Each school’s learning resource collection will reflect the variety of formats recommended by the Ministry of Education.
- Where a choice exists, all types of learning resource material, print and non-print, should be Canadian in origin, and be obtained from Canadian sources and reflect Canadian cultural values.
- Schools may purchase non-recommended materials. However, resources selected that are not on the Ministry’s recommended list require the completion of the Ministry In-depth Evaluation Form (Appendix A). Evaluations are not required for single copy purchases of print materials, e.g., a single book to be used for reference or recreational reading.
- Any software or hardware purchased by a school should have the potential for expansion within the school, and connectivity to other schools in the catchment area. i.e. sharing information sources within a school and within the District.
- The Principal or designate is responsible for evaluating the suitability of any material or service produced by a community agency and used as a resource in a particular school.
- A member of the School Services Department and/or a designated specialist area teacher recommended by School Services Department, will be responsible for the evaluation of materials and services used by more than one school in the District and produced by a community agency.
- The criteria used on page 21 of the Ministry document Selection and Challenge of Learning Resources will be used by this District to evaluate resource materials and services produced by community agencies.
- If any learning resource used in a school is challenged on the grounds that it is inappropriate, the following procedures will apply:
- Upon receiving a complaint, the teacher and/or Principal will endeavour to resolve the issue informally. Regardless of the outcome, a written report must be kept on file in the Principal’s office.
- If no informal resolution is achieved at the school level, the Principal will provide the complainant with an Inquiry into Suitability of a Learning Resource Form (Appendix B) TO BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO THE PRINCIPAL AND forwarded to the Superintendent or designate.
- Upon receipt of the Inquiry into Suitability of a Learning Resource, the Superintendent and the Principal or designate will call a meeting of the Learning Resources Consultative Committee.
- This committee will review the challenged material in the context of the evaluation criteria outlined by the Ministry document, Selection and Challenge of Learning Resources; consult with others if necessary, and then confer with the complainant. If the issue is resolved, the matter will be considered closed.
- Should no mutually acceptable solution be accomplished, the Committee’s recommendations as well as the Inquiry into Suitability of a Learning Resource Form will be forwarded to the Superintendent, or designate, who will submit them to the board of School Trustees for the final decision.
* Regulations are under development.
- Information Services is responsible for coordinating:
a) hot-line or technical support from commercial vendors;
b) access to and accounts for various information sources.
c) The training necessary to efficiently operate resource management, telecommunications and computer assisted curriculum software. This training may be provided by commercial vendors or knowledgeable District staff.
- District Resource Centre is responsible for:
a) purchase and showcasing the newly recommended materials;
b) providing materials not commonly purchased by a school (for reasons of cost).
- Purchasing Services is responsible for:
a) negotiating special District pricing and service for bulk purchasing of learning resource materials.
- The Superintendent will maintain a coordinating committee of representatives called the Learning Resources Consultative Committee who will meet as needed to:
a) recommend to the District Leadership Team the annual disbursement of funds from the Ministry’s Learning Resources Trust Fund, the Credit Allocation Plan and the District Technology budget;
b) support and encourage the development of resource services and resource-based instructional techniques within District schools;
c) coordinate any pilot learning resources project between or among District schools;
d) facilitate a satisfactory conclusion to a challenged material;
e) This committee will have representation from:
- VAA – Elementary & Secondary
- GVTA Elementary & Secondary
- GVTLA Elementary & Secondary
- VCPAC Elementary & Secondary
- Trustee
- District School Services Department
- District Information Services Department
f) The Committee will be chaired by either the Superintendent or designate.
Please refer to: Regulation 6163.1(a) Learning Resources (attachment)
Greater Victoria School District
- Approved: February 1982
- Suspended: March 9, 1992
- Re-named and revised: February 27, 1995