Regulation 6163.1 Learning Resources

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Learning resources are defined as any materials – print or digital – that support students in their development of big ideas, curricular competencies, and core competencies as outlined in BC curriculum. The district distinguishes between two types of learning resources: Recommended Learning Resources for Classroom Use and Library Learning Commons Resources.


  1. In the process of selecting learning resources, prioritization will be given to a wide variety of educationally appropriate materials, with a range of teaching and learning styles.
  2. Recommended Learning Resources for Classroom Us
    a) The Ministry of Education and Child Care Learning Resource Policy (July 1, 2017) specifies that school boards hold the sole responsibility for determining how learning resources are selected for use in their local classrooms.
    b) In the Greater Victoria School District, Recommended Learning Resources for Classroom Use are selected, reviewed, and approved by district educators following the district’s approval process using a defined set of district criteria, as outlined in Policy 6163.1 Learning Resources 3.8. Criteria for the Evaluation of Learning Resources.

3.8.Criteria for the Evaluation of Learning Resources

3.8.1 Be age and developmentally appropriate.

3.8.2 Be evaluated for relevance, accuracy, reliability, and bias.

3.8.3 Reflect cultural responsiveness, safety, and societal diversity.

3.8.4 Be universally available to all and selected with consideration to cost.

3.8.5 Minimize student exposure to advertising and marketing; and

3.8.6 Comply with the current Canadian Copyright Act, and current Greater Victoria School District licensing agreements.

These recommended resources are typically materials suitable for student use but may also include information primarily intended for teacher use. Criteria used to evaluate resources reflect Ministry of Education and Child Care expectations. This includes ensuring access to learning resources that are inclusive, equitable, age appropriate, and diverse.

c) The Board supports the use of resources evaluated by the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and Focused Education Resources.

d) In the case of a review of a fiction or non-fiction resource with listed cautions, rather than immediately placing the resources in circulation, the district may choose to conduct its own review.

e) Although the ministry no longer conducts evaluation processes to recommend learning resources, the Board continues to support the use of learning resources specified in educational
guides, or that the Board considers are appropriate per Policy 6163.1 Learning Resources. For certain courses or grades, the ministry may still recommend the use of specific learning
resources from time to time.

f) Further, access to learning resources needs to be equitably available to all, with no cost as a barrier to knowledge.

  1. Library Learning Commons Resources

a) Library Learning Commons resources refer to print and digital resources that support recreational reading and complement the curriculum.
b) To ensure equitable access to information, quality reading materials, technology, and learning opportunities for all members of the school community, teacher-librarians select, evaluate, and curate resources as per Policy 6163.1 Learning Resources that are current, comprehensive, culturally relevant, and responsive to the needs of all learners. Relevant, curated collections
support student engagement, create valuable learning opportunities, and demonstrate respect for the diversity of the school community.

  1. Where a choice exists, priority should be given to local and/or Canadian content for all types of learning resource material, print, and non-print.
  2. When selecting learning resources that promote an understanding of and appreciation for the history, language, and culture of Indigenous peoples in British Columbia and have a primarily local focus priority will be given to materials from the Esquimalt and Songhees First Nations in whose territories the Board operates schools.
  3. The Superintendent or designate and principals have general responsibility for ensuring that the approved criteria are known and appropriately applied.


  1.  A member of the school community has the right to voice concerns regarding the use of a specific learning resource. A member of the school community is defined as a student, staff member, or caregiver of a student affiliated with the school where the learning resource is located.
  1. Concerns will be considered based on the principles for selecting and evaluating resources as presented in Policy 6163.1 Learning Resources and through a reconsideration procedure as outlined in Regulation 6163.1 Learning Resources.
  1. The individual requesting reconsideration of a learning resource must demonstrate how the resource in question fails to comply with the guidelines presented in Policy 6163.1 Learning Resources.
  1. The reconsideration procedure involves two stages: District and Board (See Appendix A – Request for Reconsideration of a Learning Resource Flow Chart and Appendix B – Request for Reconsideration of a Learning Resource Form).

a.  Stage 1 –District Level

i. Upon receiving a request for reconsideration, the teacher, teacher-librarian and/or principal will provide the requestor with a Request for Reconsideration of a Learning Resource Form (Appendix B) to be completed and returned to the principal and forwarded to the Superintendent or designate.
ii. Upon receipt of the, Request for Reconsideration of a Learning Resource Form the Superintendent or designate will call a meeting of the District Ad Hoc Learning Resources Review Committee (the Committee).
iii. The Committee will be comprised of:

        • Superintendent or designate (Chair of committee)
        • 1 district administrator (with expertise related to the area for reconsideration)
        • 1 school-based principal or vice principal from the Victoria Principal and Vice Principal Association (VPVPA) assigned to the school level where the learning resource is being reconsidered. This individual will not be from the school where the request for reconsideration of the learning resource is occurring.
        • 2 teacher representatives as selected by the Greater Victoria Teachers Association (GVTA) with relevant expertise (of which at least one member will be a teacher-librarian). These individuals will not be from the school where the request for reconsideration of the learning resource is occurring.

iv. The person challenging the use of a learning resource shall not be a member of the formal reconsideration committee.

v. The committee shall meet as soon as possible upon receipt of the request for reconsideration form.

vi. The committee shall review the challenged resource and determine whether it conforms to the principles outlined in the District’s Policy 6163.1 on Learning Resources.

vii.  The committee may consult with persons or resources it deems appropriate for its consideration.

viii.   The committee shall prepare a written report with background information and their decision for the Superintendent of Schools. (Appendix C – Outcome of Request for
Reconsideration of a Learning Resource).

ix.   The requestor, the principal and the Board shall be informed in writing of the outcome of the committee’s decision. The written decision will include information about the Stage 2 Board Level appeal process and the deadline for appeal to the Board.

b.  Stage 2 –Board Level

i.  If the requestor is not satisfied with the decision of the Committee they may appeal that decision to the Board of Education (the Board).

ii.  The requestor must notify the Chair of the Committee within 10 working days of receiving the outcome of their request for reconsideration of their desire to appeal the decision.

iii.  Upon receiving the notification of request to appeal the decision the Chair of the Committee will notify the Board of the request and arrange an appeal meeting as soon as reasonably

iv.   The Board will be provided with the following:

i.    The completed Request for Reconsideration of a Learning Resource Form

ii.    The completed Outcome of Request for Reconsideration of a Learning Resource Form

iii.      Any other relevant information that was gathered during the District Level process or that the Board requests.

v.    The requester will be invited to make representations to the Board with respect to their request for reconsideration.

v1.  The Board shall review the challenged resource, the provided information from the Committee and determine whether it conforms to the principles outlined in the District’s Policy 6163.1 on Learning Resources.

vii.   The Board shall notify the requestor and Superintendent of their final decision in writing.

viii.  The Superintendent or designate shall notify the school of the final decision.

ix.     This concludes and finalizes the Request for Reconsideration process. The learning resource shall not be subject to further challenges or reviews.

5.  Every effort will be made to complete Stage One and Stage Two within 40 working days of the initial request for reconsidering a learning resource. During this reconsideration process the
school principal will be the contact to explain the process to the requestor in Stage One, and the Superintendent or designate will be the contact in Stage Two.

6.  The Superintendent or designate will be responsible for communicating the decision to the schools in the District as appropriate.

7.  In all cases where there is a request for reconsideration of a learning resource, no changes to the use of the learning resource will be made until the request for reconsideration process is
complete. The Superintendent or designate will be responsible for communicating the decision to the schools in the District as appropriate.



REFERENCES: Policy 6163.1 Learning Resources

Greater Victoria School District

Approved:     February 1982

Suspended:   March 9, 1992

Re-named and revised:  February 27, 1995

Revised: October 28, 2024








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