Regulation 3547 Investments

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  1. Permitted investments:

Securities issued or guaranteed by:

a) The Federal Government of Canada.

b) A Province of Canada.

c) Any major Canadian chartered bank.

  1. Investments must effectively be in Canadian funds.
  1. Transactions may be committed by the Secretary-Treasurer or the Associate Secretary-Treasurer by telephone or email with confirmation being counter­signed by the other, or by the Superintendent of Schools or Board Chair.
  1. Securities in bearer form must be lodged with the bank or investment dealer concerned and at no time be in the custody or risk of the Board.
  1. Transactions must be made through a major:

a) Canadian chartered bank

b) Investment dealer

c) Credit Union

d) Province of British Columbia


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:     October 1984
  • Revised:         October 2013



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