Regulation 2212.2 District Principal Special Education Services

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Reporting to the Deputy/Associate Superintendent, the District Principal, Special Education Services, is responsible for management of the Special Education Department; supervising assigned personnel; and providing leadership to Principals and school staffs in the implementation of District initiatives and provincial guidelines related to special education.

Specific Responsibilities

District Leadership

                Contributes to Department and District initiatives.

Monitors programs according to Provincial and District guidelines.

Department Planning

Coordinates the screening and placement of students.

Coordinates and supervises the following areas of Special Education:

a.   District Low Incidence Programs

b.  District Severe Behaviour Programs

c.  Jack Ledger House (Provincial Resource Program)

d.  SET-BC (Provincial Resource Program)

Staff Development

Provides instructional and educational leadership and supervision.

Internal Relationship

Works collaboratively with parents, teachers, administrators, educational assistants, District staff and the District Leadership Team.

External Relationships

Liaises with community and government agencies,  post-secondary institutions, professional and educational organizations, and others on an as needs basis.


The District Principal is provided with feedback on an on-going basis by the Deputy/Associate Superintendent responsible for Special Education.


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:     October 28, 1991
  • Revised:         October 15, 2012


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