Bylaw 9368 Procedure of Board Meetings

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BYLAW 9368


100.00             In all meetings of the Board of Trustees, procedures shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, except where provisions of the bylaws of the Board or the School Act may conflict, in which case the latter shall prevail.

101.00             The Chair of the Board may, at any time, entertain a motion to vary the agenda or procedure of the Board, notwithstanding the provisions of the Robert’s Rules of Order, and upon majority approval of such motion, the procedures shall be, for the particular matter, amended save that no such motions shall result in a procedure in conflict with bylaws of the Board or the School Act.

102.00             All meetings of the Board shall be recorded and a written record by way of minutes shall be kept and approved at each subsequent meeting of the Board.

103.00             All debate at any meeting of the Board of Trustees or its standing committee shall be upon motion only, save and except for:

                        (a)       Upon motion to move the Board into committee of the whole;

(b)       At a meeting of a standing committee of the Board upon the discretion of the Chair thereof to permit questioning of  an applicant before the committee;

(c)       At a meeting of a standing committee of the Board, upon the discretion of the Chair to move the committee into a session as committee of the whole.

103.01             During the thirty minute public session of the public meeting of the Board in general session, no formal applications for funding may be received, but requests for action may be made by members of the public who speak to the Board during their allotted five minute period.  No motion for action shall be made during the public session.

103.02             All motions before a standing committee of the Board shall be to propose a motion to the Board, which motion at committee shall not require a seconder.

103.03             A motion of the committee to propose a motion to the Board which is carried shall be included in writing in the report of the committee to be read at the next regular meeting of the Board in general session.

104.00             At a meeting of the Board in general session, all motions presented in writing, and endorsed by a seconder, placed on the agenda by the Chair, pursuant to notice of motion for future action having been given at the preceding meeting of the Board in general session, shall be deemed to be before the Board whether or not the mover or seconder are present at the regular meeting, and shall not be removed from business of the meeting except on the express request of the mover.

104.01             All motions proposed to the Board in the report of a standing committee shall be deemed to be before the Board for consideration during the hearing of the said committee report, without the necessity of a formal motion and seconder to the motion, and shall be debated prior to the next standing committee report.  Before entertaining the question and debate on a motion proposed to the Board in a report of a standing committees the Chair shall determine whether or not any trustee wishes any of the motions proposed to be dealt with individually.  In the event that any trustee shall so require, having been queried by the Chair in that regard, such motion or motions shall be dealt with separately and voted on individually.  The trustees shall be entitled to debate separately on each motion so severed from the report.

104.02             Trustees shall be permitted to debate only upon a motion, as herein provided, and each trustee shall be limited to the opportunity to speak once to any motion, unless the motion has been amended, for a majority vote of the Board.  The proposer of a motion shall be given the opportunity to open and close debate of their motion.  The mover of the principle motion shall have the right to speak for five minutes to the motion and shall be allowed five minutes to conclude the debate on the motion.

105.00             A trustee who has proposed a motion to a committee which motion has been rejected, may submit their motion to the Board in general session, in writing, for consideration immediately following the report of the committee scheduled for the next regular meeting of the Board in general session, provided the motion, in writing, is available to the Chair for circulation prior to the agenda.  Provided that, in the event a motion contained within the report of the standing committee which has been adopted shall be in contradiction to the motion proposed hereby, then the Chair shall rule such motion out of order.

106.00             A motion to the Board shall be in the form of either a resolution to direct specific action or to designate a policy of the Board.

107.00             Any Trustee may appeal the ruling of the Chair, according to Robert’s Rules of Order.  The Trustee making the appeal (with a seconder) will be asked by the Chair to state the appeal.  The Chair will call for debate on the merit of the appeal according to Robert’s Rules of Order. A vote to sustain the Chair will follow.


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:      April 27, 1981
  • Reviewed:      March 2012
  • Revised:         December 10, 2012
  • Revised:         March 23, 2015
  • Revised:         December 14, 2022


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