Bylaw 9011 Poll Votes

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BYLAW 9011


  1. Purpose:

To provide a method of ensuring that District affairs are conducted as efficiently as possible by allowing matters not requiring a meeting of the Board to be acted on without convening a special meeting.

  1. Poll Vote Defined:

A Poll Vote is a vote usually conducted by telephone, facsimile, or e-mail by the Secretary-Treasurer or delegate.  Passage of a Poll Vote requires a simple majority vote of the Board.

  1. Procedure for Calling Poll Votes:

Poll Votes will be called at the direction of the Board Chairperson, in consultation with the applicable Committee Chairperson where practicable.

  1. Circumstances Under Which Poll Votes May Be Called:

Poll Votes shall only be called:

(a) to deal with emergencies;

(b) where delay would injure the interests of the Board;

(c) regarding matters which do not justify a special meeting.

  1. Notice of Poll Vote:

When possible, notice should be given to permit consideration prior to conducting a Poll Vote. If possible, a written notice of a Poll Vote is to be sent to Trustees together with a detailed report outlining the circumstances requiring a Poll Vote.

  1. Ratification:

The Secretary-Treasurer is to report the result and reason of any Poll Vote at the next Regular meeting of the Board. 


Greater Victoria School District

  • Adopted:         February 25, 1985
  • Adopted:         February 25, 2002
  • Amended:       October 27, 2003


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