It shall be the continuing practice of the Board to advertise publicly for tenders and receive sealed bids from reputable contractors for the construction of approved educational facilities.
All trustees will be notified in writing of all public tender openings.
All tenders for construction projects shall be opened by a Tender Opening Committee meeting in public. This Committee shall be comprised of four administration officials as designated.
The Secretary-Treasurer or their designate shall chair the Tender Opening Committee.
Other designated administration officials shall be the School Plant Manager, the Business Manager and the Community Relations Coordinator, or in their absence, their delegates.
Proceedings of this Committee shall be reported to the Board of School Trustees through the Secretary-Treasurer with its recommendations at a Board meeting, and the Board may then accept one of the tenders or whatever further action may be deemed appropriate under the circumstances.
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: February 1971 (as 3562)
Revised January 1973 (Renumbered)
Revised: January 1974
Revised: June 1980
Revised: June 28, 1982
Revised: March 11, 2019
Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.
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