Regulation 7223.1 School Playground Equipment

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1. Consideration for upgrading and/or replacement of school playground equipment, and the installation of new school playground equipment, will be on the following basis in order of priority.

a) Replacement or upgrading of existing playground equipment considered by School Plant Manager to be unsafe.

b) Replacement of school playground equipment removed from the school site.

c) Addition of new playground equipment.

The School Plant Manager shall be responsible for the allocation of approved funding within the above priorities.

2. A site plan showing the location of the school playground equipment in relation to the school building, the property line, existing fields, etc. shall be prepared by the school principal and submitted to the School Plant Manager for their approval.

3. The purchase of any school playground equipment shall be made through the office of the Supervisor of Purchasing.

4. Any school playground equipment located on a school site shall conform to I.C.B.C. standards (copies of these standards are available from the School Plant Manager upon request).

5. The school playground equipment shall be installed and maintained by the School Plant Division.

Greater Victoria School District

Approved: June 29, 1981
Revised: April 27, 1987
Revised: March 2019


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