Regulation 7210.1 Appointment of Architects

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1.0       Register of Architects

The Board shall establish and maintain a register of Lower Vancouver Island Architects.  This register will be updated in October of each year and brought to the Board for information.

Whereas the register is of Lower Vancouver Island Architects, it is not intended that the appointment of Architects will be restricted to those in the Lower Vancouver Island area.  The register will merely make it easier for them to be contacted and compete.

2.0       Criteria for Choosing an Architect

The criteria for choosing an Architect shall be:

  • Size of firm appropriate to the size of the project;
  • Expertise in the type of project;
  • Past performance with the Board;
  • Other factors such as: a specific design proposal; availability/timing;
  • Construction project supervision ability/availability.

3.0       Major Projects

Major Projects are those projects that the Ministry of Education consider to be Major Projects.

Upon recommendation by the Director of Facilities, the Board may appoint an Architect and/or a Professional Engineer for the design, construction and supervision of major construction or renovation projects authorized by the Board.

4.0       Minor Projects

Minor Projects are those projects that are classified as being Minor Projects by the Ministry of Education.

The appointment of Architects for Minor Projects shall be made by Administration.


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:     June 28, 1982
  • Revised:         June 22, 1992


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