Regulation 7130 Cost Sharing for School Facilities

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I.   Eligible Projects

Site improvements; such as adventure playgrounds, running tracks, paving, trees, playing field improvements, beautification; computers, auditorium equipment and improvements, and any other projects of benefit to a school.

II.   Funding Sources

Eligible projects will be funded from the non-shareable capital budget (function 8).  When the amount of the function 8 budget is determined by the Board an amount for cost sharing projects under the Policy is to be specifically identified.

III.   Responsibilities

Schools are responsible to identify projects and to include them in their annual capital budget requests.

The Plant Manager and Assistant Superintendents are responsible for evaluating proposals and the priority of those projects that they authorize and include in the capital budgets.

IV.   Funding Limitations

The District contribution to cost sharing projects will not exceed funds raised from other sources and may not exceed $5,000 at any one school in any budget year.  The total fund limit is to be determined by the Board for each budget year that may set a lower maximum limit in any one year.

V.   Appeal Process

Any parent or other group endeavouring to enter into a shared cost capital project may appeal the position being taken by administration to the Board.  Such appeal must be in writing and be forwarded to the Facilities Planning Committee for its consideration and furtherance to the Board.

VI.   Other

All purchasing and coordination and execution of work shall be done by the District under the supervision of the District.


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:     January 1987
  • Revised:         June 1987


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