The Greater Victoria School Board recognizes the right of the community, both those with children who attend the school and those without children, to be involved in the process of building and site development. This refers to any development on a school site that will have a visual or other impact on the surrounding neighbours. It will definitely include:
• additions to schools
• location of portable classrooms
• adventure playgrounds
• parking areas
• play field development
It will also include any change of use of a building from a regular school to some other kind of educational program.
It is the responsibility of the school principal to ensure that the community is involved in such decisions and that they have a convenient way to voice any objections. If objections are raised, the principal should do what they can to alleviate them.
The process to be followed in involving the community shall be as follows:
A. Principal requests change from Assistant Superintendent.
B. Principal discusses change with staff and parent group.
C. Principal consults all neighbours who might be affected by the development. The Community Relations Coordinator will advise on the most appropriate means of contacting these people. Suggested methods include:
• public meetings
• letters to all households
• telephone survey
There should always be a convenient way for people to voice their objections.
D. Proposed change submitted to and approved by Assistant Superintendents. Before approval is given, the Assistant Superintendents should be satisfied that there has been suitable and adequate consultation with the local community, and that all has been done to satisfy objectors, without compromising the objectives of the change.
E. School Plant Manager meets with Principal to plan changes in detail.
F. Work done subject to approved plans and funding.
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: November 1979 (as 5117.2)
Re-numbered only: June 1980
Revised: June 28, 1982
Revised: March 11, 2019
Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.
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