To develop regulations in accordance with the School Act that provides clear direction to schools, minimizes interruption to teachers and provides the service requested by home schooling parents.
The G.V.T.A., Home Schooling Association and the VPVPA were consulted and agreed with the regulations.
- Parents may register in a school of their choice.
- Assessment will be provided by learning assistance teachers semiannually and within two weeks of receiving a written request. Criterion referenced assessments as well as standardized tests may be used.
- Authorized and recommended resources will be made available on a loan basis and returned on or before June 30th of each year.
- Up to three hours of substitute time per year per student will be provided for assessment.
- At the discretion of the principal, the following may be provided:
- a) Library privileges available at designated times
- b) Access to Book Fair sales
- c) Attendance at in-school special concerts
- d) Opportunity to attend band and strings programs
- e) Access to literature on parenting and counselling (if available)
- Students may enrol for one or more courses, depending on availability.
Greater Victoria School District
- Approved: February 26, 1990
- Updated: February 2012