Regulation 6165.3 Construction Programs for Students

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All proposed off-campus construction projects for students must first be approved by the appropriate zone assistant superintendent.

  1. The principal, in consultation with the appropriate zone assistant superintendent, shall advertise for clients through the Community Relations office. The advertisement shall contain detailed specification and restrictions.
  1. The restrictions shall include:
  • the maximum distance that the project can be from the school;
  • the nature of the project(s) to be considered
  1. A committee composed of the school principal, administrative assistant or industrial education department head, construction teacher and zone assistant superintendent shall review the application and select the project(s).
  1. The secretary-treasurer and successful applicant shall execute a proper contract for the project.
  1. The client will pay the cost of all materials used.
  1. The client shall pay mileage and upkeep costs of a school vehicle used to transport students to and from the site.
  1. In selecting projects priority will be given to requests from the handicapped, senior citizens and pensioners.
  1. No employee of the Board or school trustee shall apply for or be awarded a construction project.


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:     March 29, 1982


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