1. Priority in the approval of research applications shall be given to:
a) provincial educational institutions
b) graduate-level students from universities
c) undergraduate students from universities
2. All research requests from universities or colleges must have faculty approval and sponsorship.
3. All research requests must insure: subject anonymity, school anonymity, pupil anonymity,
4. All research requests must conform to the requirements of the Human Rights Branch of the Ministry of Labour.
5. All research requests must ultimately be approved by the principal of the school in which the research is to be undertaken.
6. All research requests must be presented on a School District authorized application form and must have attached copies of the instrument to be used.
7. No research results may be released to the media without the specific approval of the Superintendent of Schools, or their delegate, and such must be on a prior agreement of the researcher or research team.
8. One copy of results must be retained at the School Board office for records.
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: March 1979
Revised: March 2019