1. Learning resources included in these regulations
The materials and resource personnel to which these regulations apply are as follows:
a) “Learning Resources” which shall be defined as any aid(s) to instruction selected for use in schools. These may include books, charts, films, filmstrips, flash cards, games, globes, maps, kits, machine readable data files, microforms, models, periodicals, pictures, realia, slides, sound and video recordings, and transparencies.
b) “Textbooks” are books that
i) are placed in the hands of the pupil,
ii) form a basic and essential text for a course, and
iii) will be used by the pupil over an extended period of time.
c) “Resource Personnel” are members of the community willing to share their expertise and/or knowledge within our District educational setting.
2. Criteria for selection of learning resources and textbooks
a) Learning resources and textbooks shall be consistent with the educational goals of the Ministry of Education and of this School District, relevant to the objectives of the course or courses with which the resources are to be used, and appropriate to the students’ learning and maturity levels.
b) Learning resources and textbooks selected shall be fair and objective, free from bias, propaganda, discrimination, and sex-role stereotyping, except where illustrative materials are required to meet specific curriculum objectives; e.g. to recognize propaganda or to develop critical-thinking strategies.
c) Learning resources and textbooks shall be of good quality and, other factors being equal, priority shall be given to Canadian materials.
3. Challenged materials
If any learning resource used in a school is challenged on the grounds that it is inappropriate, the following procedures shall apply:
a) Upon receiving a complaint, the teacher and/or principal shall endeavour to resolve the issue informally. Regardless of the outcome, a written report must be kept on file in the principal’s office.
b) If no informal resolution is achieved at the school level, the principal shall provide the complainant with a “Learning Resources Review Form” to be completed and returned to the principal and forwarded to the Superintendent or their designate.
c) Upon receipt of the “Learning Resources Review Form”, the Superintendent or their designate shall establish and chair a committee including the principal of the school involved, two “resource” teachers in the related subject area nominated by the Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association, and two lay persons nominated by school/parent groups.
d) This committee shall review the challenged material in the context of the approved criteria, consult with others if necessary, then confer with the complainant. If the issue is resolved, the matter will be considered closed.
e) Should no mutually acceptable solution be accomplished, the committee’s recommendations as well as the “Learning Resources Review Form” shall be forwarded to the Superintendent, or their designate, who will submit them to the board of School Trustees for final decision.
4. Evaluation of Curriculum related materials and services produced by Community Agencies
a) Evaluation Committee
i) The Superintendent of Schools or their delegate shall appoint a curriculum committee that shall consist of a representation of teachers, principals, and supervisory personnel to serve each year as an Evaluation Committee to review materials and services produced by Community Agencies.
ii) The Curriculum Evaluation Committee shall meet three times a year, September, January and May to review materials and services produced by Community Agencies for which no fee is required and shall recommend for circulation to schools those materials and services which successfully meet the criteria.
b) Criteria to be used to evaluate Curriculum-related materials and services produced by Community Agencies For the Evaluation Committee to approve a submission by a Community Agency, it must be established that:
i) The program and curriculum materials shall meet the criteria as outlined in Regulation 6161.1, Section 2.
ii) The program and curriculum materials are appropriate for the community.
iii) The program and curriculum materials are well organized, of good quality, and are realistic in terms of any costs and time, and shall not diminish the minimum time allotted for instruction in the areas of the core curriculum.
iv) The program and curriculum materials are superior to or equal to authorized and/or supplementary materials approved by the Ministry.
v) The program and curriculum materials meet an identified need in the District or in the schools.
c) Process for approval of materials and services produced Community Agencies
i) Community Agencies requesting approval of materials or services relating to curriculum will be required to complete an Instruction-Curriculum Information Form (Appendix A). The agency may also be required to field test their program and
materials and make the results of the field tests available to the committee.
ii) Applications by Community Agencies which meet the criteria as set down in Section 2, above, will be referred by the Committee to the Superintendent or their delegate for final approval.
iii) Following final approval, schools will be informed of the services and materials that are available.
iv) Schools using such authorized curriculum materials and services will be asked to complete an Evaluation of Educational Resources Used in District Schools Form on each curriculum material and service item used (Appendix B).
v) Evaluation forms will be kept on file in the Curriculum
Department for reference and/or subsequent evaluations.
vi) All materials and services produced by Community Agencies will be reviewed and reported on annually.
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: June 1979
Revised: May 1980
Revised: March 2019
Appendix A
Please complete the following curriculum questions regarding your request for authorization for:
• Distribution of materials to schools
• Permission to perform in District schools
• Permission to work with/address students
• Other
Please return the completed form to the:
556 Boleskine Road, Victoria, B.C. V8Z 1E8
1. Name of persons requesting authorization:
2. Name of performing group/educational resource:
3. Please give an explanation of why you wish the Board to distribute these materials or endorse your services:
4. Please state evidence that your materials or services fulfill a need in our schools:
5. Please describe briefly how these materials/performances related to existing or proposed Provincial or District curriculum. References should include specific learner outcomes which are stated in existing or proposed Provincial or local curriculum:
6. Please include:
• a copy of the documents or materials to be circulated to schools
• an outline of your services
• a description of your performance
7.1) Age to which your service is best directed
7.2) Cost if any, of service
7.3) Length of time required for performance
7.4) How teachers can prepare class
7.5) Special Equipment needed
7.6) Is there any follow up to this service?
7.7) What form is your presentation going to take? State teaching method to be used if applicable:
7.8) Please include any letters of recommendation or evaluations done on your past performance.
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Appendix B
An Educational Resource may be defined as:
• A Performance by Players
• A Classroom Resource Person
• Educational Materials:
• Books, Texts
• Other Items: (specify)
1. Name of the educational resource being evaluated:
2. Length of time educational resource was used:
3. Relevancy of this resource – How well did this resource fit into the curriculum?
4. Would you recommend this resource for use in other classrooms?
5. Was this resource appropriate in terms of the age, maturity and learning needs of the students for whom it was intended?
6. Was this resource appropriate for the particular community in which it was used?
7. Was this resource fair, objective, free from bias, propaganda, discrimination and stereotyping, except where a teaching-learning situation requires illustrative materials to develop critical thinking about such issues?
8. Was this resource well organized, of a good quality, and worth using in terms of any cost and time involved?
9. How could this resource be improved?
10. Other Comments:
Thank you for your evaluation of this education resource.
Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.
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