Regulation 6160 Student Fees and Deposits

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The purpose of this regulation is to clarify the fees and deposits that may be charged by schools and to provide a process to ensure that students are not excluded from participation in school activities due to financial hardship.

I.    Deposits

In accordance with Section 82 of the School Act, the Board of Education may require deposit(s) for educational resource materials, such as textbooks, reusable workbooks, novels and other resource materials.  The Board of Education will refund all or part of the deposit to the student upon return of the educational resource materials.  Students will be advised of terms of the deposit at the time that the deposit is required.

II.   Fees for Materials Taken Home, Supplies and Equipment for Personal Use and Rental of Instruments

  1. Subject to Ministerial Order 236/07, the Board of Education will not charge fees for goods and services without which the student could not meet required learning outcomes or assessment requirements of an educational program provided by the Board of Education.
  2. The Board of Education will not charge any course fees.
  3.  Students will not be required to pay fees for basic materials for projects necessary to meet course requirements (e.g. in woodwork, cooking, textiles). Students who choose projects with material costs that exceed the basic materials must have the permission of their teacher and parents.  Such project materials may be supplied by the student or purchased from the school.
  4. In accordance with Ministerial Order 236/07, the Board of Education may charge fees to students for:
    • materials used in goods that are intended for the student to take home for personal use or as a gift (e.g. material used for projects in Technology Education, Textiles or Art);
    • the purchase of paper, writing tools, calculator, student planners, exercise books, computer diskettes, and other supplies and equipment for a student’s personal use (e.g. where school offers these supplies for sale to students and students do not bring their own supplies to school);
    • the rental of a musical instrument for a student’s personal use.

Note:  Secondary Schools will provide a class set of graphical calculators for student use in Applications of Math 12 and Principles of Math 12.

  1. In accordance with Ministerial Order 236/07, the Board of Education expects that students will attend school with:
    • appropriate personal clothing for school activities (e.g. gym strip, footwear, outerwear, aprons);
    • personal safety equipment (e.g. safety boots and gloves);
    • musical instrument where the student is enrolled in a band or strings program);
    • appropriate materials, supplies and equipment for the student’s personal use (e. g. pens, pencils, erasers, exercise books, rulers, calculators, film and paper).
  1. In accordance with Section 82.1 of the School Act, the Board of Education may charge a student enrolled in a Specialty Academy fees related to the direct costs incurred by the Board in providing the Specialty Academy that are in addition to the costs of providing a standard educational program.

III.   Field Trips and Special Events

In accordance with Ministerial Order 236/07, a Board of Education shall not charge fees in respect of field trips or special events except for expenses, including transportation, accommodation, meals, entrance fees and equipment rental.

IV.   Establishing Annual Fees Schedules

  1. Prior to each school year the Principal, after consultation with teachers, students, and parents, will recommend to the Superintendent of Schools a schedule of school fees and deposits for the school. After reviewing the schedule, the Superintendent of Schools will make a recommendation to the Board of Education.  The Board of Education will then consider the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
  1. The Superintendent of Schools may establish District fee guidelines for elementary, middle and secondary schools.

V.    Financial Hardship

  1. Principals are responsible for establishing a procedure to facilitate participation in school activities by students who would otherwise be excluded due to financial hardship. Principals will consult with teachers, students and parents in the development of such a procedure.
  1. The procedure must incorporate the principles of fairness, respect, dignity, confidentiality and sensitivity. Students, parents and staff will be advised on the procedure.
  1. All communications with students and parents regarding fees and deposits must include a statement explaining that fees will not be a barrier to student participation in school activities. No student will be denied educational opportunities offered at the school due to financial hardship.
  1. In secondary schools the statement explaining that no student will be denied educational opportunities offered at the school, will be published along with the fee schedule in the school course selection handbook. The procedure for addressing financial hardship will also be included in the handbook.


  • School Act, Section 82, 168
  • Ministerial Order 236/07
  • Regulation 265/89 Section 1(2)


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:     November 22, 1993
  • Revised:         January 22, 1996
  • Revised:         December 8, 1997
  • Revised:         October 27, 2009


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