Regulation 6145.02 Supervision Requirements for Secondary School and Middle School Extra-Curricular Athletics

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The purpose of this regulation is to provide guidelines and a process in the event that it is necessary to have a school team coached by a volunteer from the community. The Board of Education understands that community coaches are integral to the school sport system and are necessary to ensure opportunities for student athletes.

  1. Community coaches must complete the attached Community Coach Application and the Community Coach Commitment The intent of the forms is to enable school personnel to determine the qualifications and suitability of the prospective community coach and receive authorization to conduct a Criminal Record search.
  2. Community coaches must complete Safe Sport Training by the Coaching Association of Canada, prior to coaching a sports team. The e-learning module can be accessed at training. Confirmation of completion of this module must be indicated on the endorsed Community Coaches Commitment form.
  3. It is recommended that the prospective community coach have completed a minimum of Level One Theory of the National Coaching Certification
  4. It is recommended that community coaches are aware of the Concussion Awareness Policy (22) and Regulation (5141), specifically prevention, identification and communication strategies. Coaches are encouraged to complete the Concussion Awareness Training Tool.
  5. The principal or delegate will meet with each prospective community coach to discuss the school athletic policy, program goals and objectives as well as the BCSS Coach’s Code of Conduct. The school principal or delegate will also explain School District Policy and Regulation 1240 (Volunteers in Schools) and 1241 (Volunteer Drivers) as well as School District Policy and Regulation 1 (Transportation), 3545.2 (Field Trips) and 3545.25 (Overnight Accommodation) to the prospective community coach and will provide copies of all of the above mentioned documents.
  6. The principal or delegate will ensure that an employee of the GVSD will travel with a school team on any trip which requires an overnight stay, travel north of School District 79 (Cowichan Valley), or travel off Vancouver Island.
  7. The principal or delegate will attempt to partner a community coach with an experienced teacher-coach or teacher-sponsor in the community coach’s first year with the school.
  8. The principal or delegate should request and check at least two references for each prospective community coach and ensure completion of a Criminal Record Search prior to commencing any coaching activity.
  9. The principal or delegate will review the community coach’s suitability at least twice during the season of play. If the principal or delegate deems the community coach not to be suitable, the coach will be relieved of all coaching duties immediately.
  10. Prospective community coaches must sign the Community Coach Commitment Form that will be kept on file with the principal.
  11. The principal or delegate will make every effort to support community coaches in the completion of their coaching duties.

References: 1. Policies and Regulations 6145.01, 1240, 1241, 3545.1, 3545.2 and 3545.25

  1. BCSS Competitive Polices and Procedures Section 2.5
  2. LVISSAA Constitution and Regulation Section 5:1X-1
  3. LIMSSA Constitution and Regulation Section 9:(9.1)

Greater Victoria School District

Approved:     January 25, 1999

Revised:         March 30, 2009; April 2, 2013; July 5, 2024





Name:                                                       Date of Birth:                                                     


Address:                                                    P.C.:                                                                  


Telephone: (H)                          (B)                          Fax:                                                  



  • NCCP Coaching Qualifications: NCCP #:


Certification Level Theory:                       Date Completed:                                 
Certification Level Technical:                       Date Completed:                                 
                            Date Completed:                                 
                            Date Completed:                                 


  • Previous Coaching Experience:


School System:                                                                                                              





  • Coaching Philosophy:



  • Which sport(s) would you like to coach, and at what level?


Sport(s):                                                                  Level:                                                 Sport(s):                                                                              Level:                                                         


  • Personal History:


  1. Are you currently under probation or suspension from coaching duties within any school or community sport program? Yes               No
  2. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense? Yes               No
  3. Do you have criminal charges pending? Yes               No

If yes for 5a), 5b), or 5c), please provide details:                                                             


  • Medical


  1. Do you know of any medical condition that may hamper or affect your ability to carry out coaching activities? Yes                                             No


  1. If yes to 6a), please provide details:


  • References


Please provide the names and contact information for three (3) references:


+ Coaching References:  
Name Relationship Telephone
Name Relationship Telephone
Name Relationship Telephone
8) Personal Reference:    
Name Relationship Telephone


I hereby give my permission to                                                       that a Criminal Record Check may be conducted prior to commencing any coaching activity within the school.

I hereby certify that the information given is complete and correct.


Name:                                         Signature:                                             Date:                



cc: Principal

Associate Superintendent



I agree to abide by the B. C. School Sports Coach’s Code of Conduct, B.C. School Sports Policies and Procedures and all Lower Vancouver Island Secondary School Athletic Association (LVISSAA) Regulations and all Lower Island Middle School Sports Association (LIMSSA) Regulations.

I have discussed GVSD Policies and Regulations 1240 (Volunteers in Schools), 3545.25 (Field Trips) and 3545.25 (Overnight Accommodation), 1241 (Volunteer Drivers) and 3545.1 (Transportation) with the principal or delegate and will work with the principal or delegate to ensure compliance with all School District Policies and regulations while a coach at     School.

I agree to have a Criminal Record Search conducted and returned to the principal or delegate of                                                                    School prior to commencing any coaching activity.

I understand and agree to uphold the principles and goals of extra-curricular athletics at          School.

I have completed Safe Sport training e-learning module by the Coaching Association of Canada. Proof of completion has been shared with the school


I am aware of the recommendation that community coaches complete a minimum of Level One Theory of the National Coaching Certification Program


I am aware of the recommendation that community coaches familiarize themselves with Concussion Awareness Policy (5141.22) and Regulation (5141)


I agree that any contravention of GVSD Policies and Regulations, B. C. School Sports Policies and Procedures and LVISSAA/LIMSSA Regulations may result in my immediate release from my coaching duties at                                                                                                   School.

I agree that the principal or delegate at                                         School may relieve me from my coaching duties at any time and without cause.

Name of community coach:                                        







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