Regulation 5150 Sanctuary Schools

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The Greater Victoria School District is committed to providing a culturally responsive, safe, caring, and welcoming learning environment for all students and families including those with precarious immigration status or no immigration status.


2.1    Policy and Regulation 5150 and relevant provisions of the School Act will be communicated annually to all school administrators and school office staff. Such materials will be displayed on the Greater Victoria School District website and at the Welcome and Learning Centre website in multiple languages.

2.2    The appropriate instructions for staff and public information materials concerning admission procedures will be revised to reflect the above policy and regulation. Such revisions will also be included in all training and orientation programs for staff and community agencies who have responsibilities in this area.

2.3    All student registration information and forms, including electronic databases, which refer to immigration status in Canada, will be deemed strictly confidential.

2.4    All student registration information and forms, including electronic databases, will provide clearly stated options for any family that does not wish to share proof of immigration status as a means of establishing that they are ordinarily resident in the area served by the Greater Victoria School District.

2.5    Where there is a need to verify a student’s name, home address, or date of arrival in Canada, and where the usual supporting documentation is not available, the Board and schools will accept a combination of other documents outlined in the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s Eligibility of Students for Operating Grant Funding Policy.

2.6    Families who have been denied admission based on immigration status may appeal as per Bylaw 9330.1 Appeal Process. Assistance required in filling out the Appeal Form is available upon request from the Greater Victoria School Board Office at 250-475-3212.


 Greater Victoria School District

Approved: September 25, 2023


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