Regulation 5142 Blood-Borne Diseases

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A.    Statement of Intent

The intention of this regulation is to:

a) provide for fair and compassionate management of students infected with blood-borne diseases.

b) provide blood-borne disease education to students and staff, and offering information to volunteers.

c) promote a partnership between the students, parents, school district, the public health system and community agencies in supporting students infected with blood-borne diseases.

d) promote a safe school environment for all students, staff, and volunteers.

 B.   Definition of Policy Terms

a) Blood-borne diseases can be transmitted through blood and blood products (including AIDS, HIV, Hepatitis).

b) AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is the result of a viral infection (HIV) that destroys the body’s natural defenses against many diseases.

c) HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus that can cause AIDS.

d) Hepatitis – Infectious hepatitis is an acute inflammation of the liver caused by a virus.

e) Universal Precautions are recognized hygienic procedures to prevent the transmission of blood-borne diseases.

f) Staff are employees of the Board.

g) Volunteer, as defined in Policy 1240.

h) School Medical Officer – is the Medical Health Officer for the Capital Health Region.

C.   Responsibilities

  1. As employees of the Board, we share responsibility for increasing our awareness and knowledge of the District’s Blood-borne Disease policy and regulation.
  1. The District Safety Officer will ensure that this policy and regulation is reviewed every two years.
  1. It is the responsibility of the Principal in consultation with the District Safety Officer to ensure that all school staff be cognizant of and practice Universal Precaution Procedures.  Statistics indicate that in the District population there will be students with blood- borne diseases.  It is important to promote the use of universal precautions as outlined in Regulation 4213.
  1. The Principal is responsible for ensuring that an Incident Report is completed and forwarded to the Secretary Treasurer’s Department in the event of an exposure.

D.   Protocol Procedure in the Event of an Exposure

In the event of a possible exposure, the procedure is as follows:

  1. The incident will be reported to Epidemiology and Disease Control (EDC – phone 388-2220) as soon as possible.  Treatment for HIV infection is most effective within two hours.  Outside of school hours, please contact the nearest hospital emergency department.
  1. EDC will determine if an exposure has occurred.
  1. EDC will investigate the situation and make the appropriate recommendations to the families involved, family physicians and the schools as necessary.  While each incident will be handled on a case by case basis, generally the recommendations will be to test the individuals involved in the incident.
  1. An Incident Report must be completed, signed by the Principal and forwarded to the Secretary Treasurer’s Department.

E.   Protocol Procedure in the Event of a Disclosure

The identity of the student infected with a blood-borne disease shall remain confidential.  If confidentiality is not respected, legal liability may be incurred by the individual and the School District.

a) In the case of a disclosure to any staff member, the informed individual must contact the School Medical Officer (360-3116).  The School Medical Officer will assess each case on an individual basis in order to achieve balance between confidentiality and the need to ensure the health and safety of others.  If the parent/guardian makes the disclosure, the parent/guardians must provide written consent before any further dissemination of information can occur.  Written consent by the parent/guardian will identify those individuals which need to know about the situation pertaining to their child.

b) The parent/guardian must understand that the School Medical Officer may determine that there is the need to inform others of the situation.  In this case the parent/guardian will be advised and will be involved during the sharing of this information.  The decision to inform others is most often required when the student’s health status requires consideration of alternative educational arrangements.

F.   Resource Materials

The following pages contain information which will assist school staffs with definitions and procedures to alleviate concerns with respect to blood-borne diseases.

  1. HIV/AIDS and Child Care – Poster
  2. Hepatitis A
  3. Hepatitis B
  4. Hepatitis C
  5. Universal Precautions Information


  • School Act Section 106 (1) Support Services for Schools
  • School Act Section 107(1) (2) School Medical Officer
  • School Act Section 109 (2 -5) Examination of Reports by School Medical Officer
  • Health Act 1981
  • Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (1993)

Please refer to: Regulation 5142(a) Blood-Borne Diseases (attachment)


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:  May 26, 1997


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