The intent of student input is to provide an opportunity for students to be involved actively in their education. Responsible, active involvement enables students to become quality producers, self-directed learners, perceptive thinkers, flexible problem solvers, community contributors, and effective communicators, thus developing their potential as life long learners.
In contributing to the collaborative goals of the school district, this regulation facilitates responsible student input and builds upon initiatives currently in practice.
Students will be provided opportunities, through consultation and participation at the classroom or school level, to be involved in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of their learning.
Student input may include, but will not be limited to, the following:
- participating in formulating criteria that demonstrate understanding of learning outcomes
- assisting in the selection of appropriate resources and materials to support acquisition of learning outcomes
- participating in the delivery of lesson components
- providing peer and/or self evaluation when criterion referenced assessment is utilized
- contributing to the guidelines for and participating in student-led conferences
Students will be provided opportunities, through consultation and participation at the classroom or school level, to provide feedback on teaching and program effectiveness.
Student input may include, but will not be limited to, the following:
- providing regular feedback regarding the attainment of classroom goals and learning outcomes
- providing feedback during the evaluation of specific programs
Students will be provided opportunities at both the school and District level for a voice in decision-making that affects their education.
Student input may include, but will not be limited to, the following:
- participating in opinion surveys used to elicit feedback on issues that directly impact students
- participating as representative members on working committees and decision-making bodies where confidentiality is not compromised.
At the school level student participation and representation shall be determined by processes developed by the school. At the District level student representation and participation shall occur through processes developed in consultation with the Secondary Students’ Consultative Committee.
Greater Victoria School District
- Approved: June 24, 1996