Regulation 5133.1 Organizations – Safety Patrols

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The Elmer Green Pennant Safety Campaign

The School Board has endorsed “The Elmer Green Pennant Safety Campaign” but there is not obligation for any school to adopt the program.

The program of safety education, symbolized by the green pennant bearing Elmer the Elephant, is under the supervision of the police director currently responsible for the safety patrol in the particular school which decides to utilize the Elmer Campaign; thus, this program is considered to be an extension of the safety patrol work.

All expenses for supplies and equipment are borne by the Kiwanis Safety Patrol Committee.

The Elmer Pennant shall be displayed in a suitable and conspicuous place in the school entrance or auditorium. It shall not be flown from the school flagpole without the knowledge of the Buildings and Grounds Department.
Legal Reference: Public Schools Act, Section 98 (b) and 105

Greater Victoria School District
Approved: November 1962
Legal Reference: Public Schools Act, Section 98(b) and 105


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