- The principal shall involve members of the school community (students, staff, parents/guardians) in the formulation of a school code of conduct with respect to expectations for attendance and punctuality. The principal shall then be responsible to communicate these expectations on a regular basis to students, staff, parents/guardians.
- Each teacher shall support the expectations for student attendance and punctuality as expressed in the schools code of conduct. Teachers shall maintain accurate attendance records and report concerns to parents/guardians with respect to student attendance and punctuality.
- Each student shall be held responsible to:
a) know their school’s expectations regarding attendance and punctuality,
b) attend regularly and to provide the reason(s) for absenteeism, from parents or guardians, when requested by school personnel.
- Each student will be accorded due process before being disciplined for non-attendance. Simply stated, this process will include: to be told what the rules are; to be told what rule has been violated; and to be given the opportunity to present the student version of the facts. The administration shall review the circumstances and determine appropriate consequences.
- The concept of administrative authority will be fairness; every effort will be made to resolve attendance problems utilizing district resources in cooperation with the students, parents/guardian(s).
- School Act: Section 2 Access to Educational Programs
- Section 6 Duties of Students
- Section 94 Provision of Educational Programs
- School Act Regulation: 4(1)(c) and (f) Duties of Teachers
- 5(8) Duties and Powers of Administrative Officers
Greater Victoria School District
- Approved : December 1971
- Revised: July 1975
- Revised, Renumbered: June 24, 1996