To assist the Board of Trustees with the implementation of its Substance Abuse Policy, Regulations that provide information, support and consequences have been established for:
- Preventative Curriculum
- Early Intervention, and
- Consequences (Discipline)
All employees of the Board share responsibility for increasing their awareness and knowledge of:
- the District’s Substance Abuse Policy and Regulations;
- the incidence and identification of substance abuse;
- their duty to report all cases of substance abuse;
- the appropriate procedures to follow when reporting suspected cases of substance abuse.
The Board of Trustees recognizes the need to implement and maintain prevention/awareness programs for both students and district personnel and shall, as part of this process:
- encourage schools to include CAPP in their current curricula;
- provide continued support for the services provided by school-based student services teams;
- endeavour to provide in-service for administrators, counsellors and teachers regarding implementation of the Substance Abuse Policy and Regulations;
- encourage all staff to be positive role models regarding the use of substances.
Students will be encouraged to develop attitudes and effective life skills that encourage healthy decisions related to the use of mood-altering substances.
- To establish feelings of positive self-worth and personal confidence among students.
- To help students develop the ability to differentiate between the beneficial and harmful uses of drugs.
- To help students develop effective life skills, including decision-making, communication and refusal skills.
- To encourage the choosing of healthy alternatives to mood-altering substances for socializing, filling discretionary time and managing conflict and stress.
- Use appropriate sections of CAPP to provide a comprehensive, cumulative and integrated curriculum for students at the primary, intermediate and graduation levels.
- Involve parents, the community and other resources to achieve the goals and objectives of the Substance Abuse Preventive Curriculum.
Students will be assisted in meeting the objectives of the preventive curriculum and will be provided with appropriate support and intervention where these objectives are not being met.
- To reinforce the acquisition of effective life skills and feelings of positive self-worth.
- To intervene, where appropriate, with students who demonstrate poor life skills, low self-worth, or inappropriate decision-making.
- To continue to encourage the choosing of healthy alternatives to mood-altering substances.
- Encourage referrals of students demonstrating possible indicators of their own or another’s substance use and/or abuse to school-based student services teams for support and/or intervention.
Students will be disciplined through consequences that increase in severity in order to minimize the potential for individual harm and to provide a learning environment free from the influence of harmful substances.
- In the Event of a Student’s FIRST OFFENCE
- If a student is in possession of, or observed using, drugs or alcohol, or if in the opinion of the principal or designate, is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the student shall be detained by the principal or designate until such time as administrator/parent deems it appropriate to send child home and/or parents or designated adult picks up student from school;
- The principal or designate shall investigate and inform the parents/guardians of the offence. They will also be advised that the student will be suspended for a period determined by the principal (no more than 5 days for the first offence);
- Arrangements will be made with the parents/guardians for the student’s safe return home and for access to educational materials, which will include Substance Use Education package, during the term of the suspension;
- Where the student is, in the opinion of the principal or designate, severely intoxicated, and if and when it has proved impossible to contact the student’s parents or guardians, appropriate Medical/Police or other agency individuals shall be contacted to determine how best to provide for the student’s health and safety and that of others;
- The police shall be contacted with regard to the appropriate disposition of any substances involved;
- The suspension shall be documented in the student’s counselling file and formal letter of suspension sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s) with a copy sent to the Assistant Superintendent of Schools. The suspension letter shall inform the parents of:
- the duration of the suspension,
- the specific reasons for the suspension,
- the date for a meeting with the administration,
- the right of the student to obtain homework while suspended;
- In order for the suspension to be lifted, a meeting of the student, parent(s)/guardian(s) and a member of the school’s administration shall be held, at which time the Substance Use Education package will be reviewed;
- The student and parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be advised of the consequences of current and subsequent infractions;
- After student returns to school they will meet with a counsellor and/or administration or designated staff member to review the assignments;
- The student shall be referred to the school’s Student Services Team.
- In the Event of Student’s SECOND OFFENCE (within 12 months)
(a) Procedures in #1 (above) shall be followed;
(b) The following TWO options shall be explained to the student and the parents/guardians. The administration will determine whether to implement option “A” or “B”.
(i) An immediate suspension from school for a period of 5 school days , as well as completion of Substance Use Education Assignments, and
(ii) Student, parent/guardian shall be referred to an alcohol and drug agency for evaluation and support, and
(iii) A follow-up contact between the alcohol and drug agency and school personnel will take place.
(i) An immediate suspension from school for a period of more than 5 school days with referral to the Principals’ Review Committee. The student and parents/guardians shall be informed of the process and possible outcomes of the suspension.
- In the Event of Student’s THIRD OFFENCE (within 24 months)
(a) Procedures in #1 (above) shall be followed;
(b) The student shall be suspended for more than 5 school days and referred immediately to the Principals’ Review Committee. This suspension shall remain in effect until the results of the Principals’ Review Committee meeting are known;
(c) In appropriate cases, the Principals’ Review Committee shall recommend the student seek assessment and treatment from an alcohol and drug agency.
C. Procedures for Suspected Cases of Distribution of Illegal Substances
Distribution is defined as:
- bringing illegal substances to school, and sharing of illegal substances while at school or on school grounds;
- selling illegal substances while at school or on school grounds.
- In the event of a Student Distributing Illegal Substances
(a) The police shall be notified immediately;
(b) A school administrator shall notify the student’s parents/ guardians of the suspected offence and that the police have been notified;
(c) Based on the level/seriousness of the distribution offence, the Principal may elect to suspend the student for up to 5 days or referral to Principals’ Review Committee if greater than 5 days. The student and parents/guardians shall be informed of the process and possible outcomes(s) of the suspension;
(d) All information relevant to these matters shall be documented in the student’s counselling file.
Greater Victoria School District
- Approved: February 24, 1992
- Revised: November 1992
- Revised: January 28, 2002