Regulation 5114 Exclusion of Pupils

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1. If the principal, in consultation with the pupil’s teacher(s), feels a child’s physical or mental condition is such that the principal is concerned about the welfare of the child or that this condition may have an adverse effect on the other pupils, the appropriate Assistant Superintendent (Field) should be consulted. The parent/guardian must be contacted and the opinion and services of the public health nurse and/or District Counsellor should be sought.

2. The purpose of such consultation is:

a) to provide the parent or guardian and the District staff with an understanding of the problem and to determine if the use of Section 100(3) or Section 100(5) is applicable or necessary, and

b) if necessary make alternative arrangements for the education of the child that are satisfactory to all concerned, and

c) if appropriate and necessary arrange a treatment program that will return the child to school as soon as possible.

3. In all cases where the child’s physical or mental condition continues to have an adverse effect on the other pupils, the principal may invoke Section 100(3) and request the Public Health Officer to visit the school to make an examination of the child. Alternatively the principal may invoke Section 100(5) and exclude the pupil from school.

4. When Section 100(3) is used, the principal will:

a) Request, in writing to the Public Health Officer, that a medical examination be made. A copy of this letter will be sent to the Assistant Superintendent (Field), the parents or guardian and the Supervisor of Instruction (Special Education).

b) Upon receipt of the Medical Health Officer’s examination report, the principal will consult with the Assistant Superintendent (Field) to arrange further appropriate action related to the report’s recommendations.

5. When Section 100(5) is used, the principal will:

a) Report this act of exclusion to the parent or guardian and the Medical Health Officer by registered mail. This report should include a brief history of the nature of the case and any details of prior effort to rectify the problem. Contact with the parents by phone must be made prior to arrangements being made for the pupil to go home.

b) The Superintendent or their delegate will report the matter to the Board of School Trustees upon receipt of the Supervisor of Instruction’s (Special Education) report.

Greater Victoria School District

Approved: June 1979
Revised: November 1981
Revised: March 12, 2019

Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.

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