1. Leadership
In order to provide leadership on the issues of gender identity and gender expression the Board will:
a. Ensure that gender expression and gender identity are included in school’s Code of Conduct.
b. Ensure that all staff and administrators are familiar with the Gender Identity and Gender Expression Policy, and that they are provided support for its implementation upon request.
c. Consult with the District Gender & Sexuality Alliance to ensure that policy, priorities, and operations are consistent with the Gender Identity and Gender Expression policy.
2. Learning Resources
In order to provide an inclusive learning environment for transgender and gender non-conforming students:
a. Principals will build collections of resources that address gender identity and gender expression in positive ways and that are accessible to students, staff, and families.
b. Principals will ensure that diverse learning resources are provided in order that students and families are able to see themselves reflected positively in the curriculum.
c. Principals will ensure that sexual health education resources are trans inclusive and developmentally appropriate, current and relevant, and are incorporated into sexual health instruction.
d. Principals will ensure staff are familiar with the correct use of gender-neutral pronouns and that the use of such pronouns is supported in both verbal and written communication and course work.
e. Principals will work with Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) to make sure parents are aware of the policy and relevant resources.
3. Student Support
So that transgender and gender non-conforming students are supported in our schools:
a. Principals will ensure that at least one staff person or administrator in each school is assigned to be a Safe Contact who is able to act as a resource person for transgender, gender non-conforming and sexual minority students, staff and families, and that students and staff are informed of the name and location of the Safe Contact. The Safe Contact person will be provided with training.
b. The Superintendent will ensure that counsellors and staff are trained to respond competently to the needs of transgender, gender non-conforming, and sexual minority students as well as to the needs of students with transgender, gender non-conforming, and sexual minority family members, care givers, and loved ones.
c. The Superintendent will ensure that counsellors and staff are provided with information on support programs and culturally competent services for transgender and gender non-conforming students. These will not include services that attempt to change a student’s gender identity. This will be updated on an ongoing basis.
d. Principals will ensure that the establishment of school-based clubs dedicated to gender and sexual minority inclusion will continue to be encouraged and supported in all schools.
4. Communications
So that communications are supportive and inclusive:
a. The Superintendent will ensure that district forms and communications reflect the potential diversity of gender identities and sexual orientations of students, staff, parents and guardians.
b. Principals will ensure that school forms and communications reflect the potential diversity of gender identities and sexual orientations of students, staff, parents and guardians.
c. The Superintendent will ensure that all district staff will be addressed by the names and pronouns they prefer to use.
d. Principals will ensure that all students and school-based staff will be addressed by the names and pronouns they prefer to use.
5. Student Information and Privacy
In order to respect and protect student information and privacy:
a. Principals will ensure that the student is the primary referent for gender identity.
b. Principals will respect a student’s wishes in regards to sharing information about their gender identity including with their parent or guardian.
c. Principals will ensure that, where permitted by law, requests made by a student, and/or their parent/guardian, to change the student’s official record to reflect their preferred name and/or gender identity will be accommodated.
d. Principals will ensure that, at the request of a student and/or their parent/guardian, their preferred name and pronoun will be included on class lists, timetables, student files, identification cards, etc
e. Principals will ensure that student’s trans status, legal name, or gender assigned at birth may constitute confidential personal information that will be kept confidential unless its disclosure is legally required or unless the student or the student’s parent(s)/guardian have given authorization. Where disclosure is required by law, all efforts will be taken to protect the students’ identity.
f. The Superintendent will ensure that sex (gender) is removed from class lists.
6. Sex-Segregated Activities
In order to support the full inclusion of transgender and/or gender non-conforming students:
a. Principals will ensure that in situations where students are segregated by sex, including competitive athletic activities, transgender and gender non-conforming students will have the option to be included in the group that corresponds to their gender identity or the group in which they are most comfortable.
7. Accessibility
In order to support the full inclusion of transgender and/or gender non-conforming students:
a. Principals will ensure that all students have access to bathroom and change room facilities that are safe and free of harassment and violence.
b. Principals will ensure that at least one single-stall gender neutral bathroom is accessible to students. The bathroom will have a sign indicating it is gender neutral and it must be accessible to students (i.e., not be locked, not available on special permission, not located in staff room…).
c. Principals will ensure that students have access to the bathroom or changing facility that corresponds to their gender identity or the group in which they are most comfortable.
8. Dress
In order to support the full inclusion of transgender and/or gender non-conforming students and staff:
a. Principals will ensure that any school dress code shall take into account gender diversity and shall not penalize students or staff for cross-dressing or other gender non-conforming choices regarding clothing.
Greater Victoria School District
Adopted: September 26, 2016