Regulation 4115.4 Position (Job) Sharing

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Teachers with full time continuing appointments to the District, upon receipt in the spring of their teaching assignment for the following school year, shall have the option of requesting that their assignment be changed to part time for that school year. Teachers requesting this change in assignment shall be partici­pating in the position sharing plan and, will receive a written commitment that, subject to the provisions of 153(1) and 153(2) of the School Act, their appointment to the District will return to full time, effective the following school year.


  1. Teachers on full time continuing appointment wishing to par­ticipate in position sharing shall notify the school principal and Instruction-Administration Department of their intent following receipt of formal notification of their assignment for the following school year.
  1. Upon approval of position sharing, participating teachers shall be informed, in writing, that, subject to the provisions of Sections 153(1) and 153(2) of the School Act, their appointment to the District will return to full time at the expiry of the next year.
  1. Teachers participating in the position sharing plan shall suffer no loss in District seniority.
  1. The salary of teachers participating in the position sharing plan shall be prorated accordingly.
  1. Teachers participating in the position sharing plan, shall receive the same benefits in respect to medical, group life, extended health, and dental as they would as full time teachers.
  1. Salary Indemnity and Sick-Leave Benefits for teachers partici­pating in the position sharing plan shall be prorated accord­ingly.
  1. Under present Superannuation Branch Regulations, credit for pension purposes, for teachers participating in the position sharing plan, shall be calculated on the basis of the per­centage of the teacher’s assignment for the year.
  1. Principals, in planning staff organization for the year following a teacher’s participation in the position sharing plan, shall consider participating teachers to be full time teachers.  The provisions of School District Regulations respecting Teachers Declared Excess to Individual School Staffing Allocation shall apply.


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:     March 21, 1983



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