Regulation 4113 Appointment and Assignment of Teachers to Alternate Programs

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The Instruction-Administration Department has the overall responsibility for the recruitment, selection, and recommendations for the assignment of all instructional personnel in the District.  To ensure fair opportunity for all qualified persons seeking positions in alternate programs, it shall be the responsibility of the Instruction Administration Department to see that the following procedures are followed in the appointment and assignment of teachers to vacancies in alternate programs.

1.0   The position requirements and desired qualifications for vacancies in alternate programs shall be obtained from the Supervising Principal – Detached Special Programs.  It is the responsibility of the Supervising Principal to ensure that alternate program staff and the particular society representatives participate in the development of the position requirements and desired qualifications.

2.0   Teachers holding continuing appointments, requesting reassignments, teachers returning from leave of absence, and teachers declared in excess of school staffing allocation, who have qualifications consistent with the position requirements will simultaneously be given the first opportunities to be considered for any vacant position in an alternate program.

3.0   A selection committee consisting of the Supervising Principal, program head, head teacher, or any other teacher designated by the Supervising Principal, and a representative of the particular society shall interview a shortlist of candidates prepared by the Instruction-Administration Department and recommend a candidate for the vacant position.

4.0   Where the procedures described in clauses (1), (2) and (3) of this Regulation do not result in all vacant positions being filled, a shortlist of teachers employed under temporary appointments shall be made available to the Supervising Principal.  These candidates shall be interviewed as in clause (3) of this Regulation and a candidate recommended to the Instruction-Administration Department.

5.0   Where there is no suitably qualified candidate presently available in the District, an advertisement, developed by the Instruction Administration Department in consultation with the Supervising Principal, shall be placed in the appropriate media.  Candidates will be shortlisted by the Instruction-Administration Department and the Supervising Principal.  Shortlisted candidates shall be interviewed as in clause (3) and a candidate recommended to the Instruction-Administration Department.


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:     November 29, 1982


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