1. Corporate Seal
The signing officers for execution of all legal documents requiring the corporate seal shall be the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Board, together with the Secretary-Treasurer or Associate Secretary-Treasurer.
2. Legal Documents
The signing officers of the Board for contracts and other legal documents shall be any two of the Chair or Vice–Chair of the Board, or the Superintendent of Schools or the Secretary-Treasurer or the Associate Secretary-Treasurer.
3. Banking
Any two of the following signatures shall be authorized for bank documents:
• Chair of the Board
• Vice-Chair of the Board
• Superintendent of Schools
• Secretary-Treasurer
• Associate Secretary-Treasurer
4. Agreements Requiring One Signature
Some agreements require only the signature of one authorized Board official to bind the Board. Examples include new insurance policies and leases. Where a financial commitment is involved in such agreements, the Secretary-Treasurer, or in their absence, the Associate Secretary Treasurer is authorized to sign on behalf of the Board. Where there is not a financial commitment inherent in the agreement, the Superintendent of Schools, the Secretary-Treasurer or the Associate Secretary-Treasurer is authorized to sign on behalf of the Board.
Labour agreements involving letters of understanding, memorandums of agreement, and grievance settlements, require the signature of either the Superintendent of Schools, the Secretary-Treasurer, the District Principal, Human Resource Services or the Manager, Labour Relations, to bind the Board to the terms of the agreement.
Greater Victoria School District
Adopted: November 16, 2015
Revised: March 11, 2019
Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.
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