Regulation 3545.2 Field Trips

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School Field Trips

A school field trip is a supervised teacher or school sponsored activity (curricular or extra curricular) where students leave the school premises for part of a day, a day or multiple days. (1 day extracurricular trips require a Roster of Driver and Passenger (Attachment 6) form but not a School Field Trip Request form (Attachment 4).

Field Trip Calendar

Each school is required to have a calendar of the field trip in the main office or on a Google Drive shared folder for immediate access of information for staff and partners/guardians.  Relevant information (time, location) is to be noted for all class or group departures from school.


Short supervised walking trips within the vicinity of the school.  These trips may be taken with the principal’s permission with relevant times recorded in the field trip calendar without having to complete the School Field Trip Request form (Attachment 4).  Supervision requirements and ratios for walkabouts may be reduced to 1 adult per 15 students with permission of the principal if the following factors are taken into consideration: age of the students, needs of the student, nature of the activity and location of the activity.  Supervising teachers require a contact number (cell phone or walkie talkie).

High Risk Field Trips

Activities that involve a higher degree of risks and dangers than usual.  These risk and dangers may be related to:

  • the environment (weather, terrain, wildlife)
  • an activity (outdoor pursuits, aquatics)
  • the group (clothing, equipment)

Examples: ski trips, skating, river rafting, mountain/rock climbing, winter camping, kayaking, canoeing, whale watching, sailing, wind surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, etc.

A Ski Trip/Snowboard/Skating Permission and Consent form must be completed for all ski trips (Attachment 10 of this regulation).

Participation in these activities may involve the possibility of serious injury or death.

Work Experience  (Please see regulation 6135.1, Career Development: Career Preparation Programs)

I. Pre-Field Trip Planning

  1. The School Field Trip Request form (Attachment 4) must be completed for each school field trip.  The principal must approve and sign the request prior to the field trip.
  1. The Certificate of Parental Authority (Attachment 7) shall be completed by parents/guardians for each school field trip.  There is also an optional “Blanket” Certificate of Parental Authority (Attachment 5) that may be given to parents/guardians to complete in the beginning of the school year.  Parents/guardians will be notified of all field trips to be taken.  Those parents/guardians who choose not to give blanket approval then must give permission for each field trip.  Specific approval by parents/guardians will be required for all school field trips exceeding one day.
  1. a)Transportation by regular school buses shall be arranged by submitting a request to the Transportation Coordinator (250-519-2105) two weeks prior to the trip.

 b) When private vehicles are used, information regarding the vehicle to which a student passenger is assigned must be kept in the office.  It is the responsibility of the teacher to be aware of any changes of student passenger assignments on the return trip to school.

c) There must be verification that the number of passengers does not exceed the number of seatbelts.  No child under the age of 13 shall travel in the front seat where an air bag could be deployed.

  1. a)    The principal will ensure that roles and responsibilities of all students and attending adults are clearly defined prior to the school field trip.  The school’s code of conduct must be reviewed by all participants prior to the field trip.

b) The principal will ensure guidelines are established with regard to free time on any school field trip.

  1. Students requiring special medical care must be identified and provisions made for procedures to meet any potential emergent need.  There must be adequate notice given to parents/guardians in order that they may provide appropriate student protection from the elements and for the setting.   Examples are sunscreen, hats, proper attire and appropriate footwear.
  1. There must be adequate notice (suggested two weeks) to parents/guardians and administration in advance of each field trip.  Field trips that have significant costs require more lead time for parents/guardians.  However, it is acknowledged that on occasion, due to special circumstances, two weeks notice cannot always be given.

II. Transportation

A. Car and Driver

It is the responsibility of the principals, vice-principals or field trip supervisor to:

  1. Verify that the Adult Volunteer Driver Information and Authorization form (Attachment 1) and/or the Student Volunteer Driver and Authorization form (Attachment 2) have been completed.
  1. Verify that both the vehicle registration/ insurance and the driver’s license are current with a photocopy of each being retained in the office.
  1. Verify that a copy of the criminal record check and a driver’s abstract have been submitted to the principal.
  1. Verify that the vehicle is adequately insured with a minimum of $2,000,000 Third Party Liability insurance in order to be covered by the Board’s $50,000,000 insurance policy.
  1. A booster seat secured with a shoulder harness must be used when transporting students at least 18kg (40 lbs) until their 9th birthday or they reach 145 cm (4’9”) tall, whichever comes first.  If a shoulder harness is not available students must be secured with a lap belt only (no booster).
  1. If high school students are driving other students, parents/guardians must be informed, Student Volunteer Driver Information and Authorization form (Attachment 2) completed and a copy of insurance and drivers licence be kept on file in the school office.  All high school students are restricted to carrying ONE passenger regardless of the driver’s age or licence stage.  A “Novice” driver must display a “N” sign.
  1. Students may drive within SD61, SD62 and SD63 only.
  1. A Roster of Driver and Passenger form (Attachment 6) for each vehicle is filed in the office and carried by the teacher.

B. Bus or Other Permitted Vehicle

It is the responsibility of the principals, vice-principals or field trip supervisor to ensure:

  1. That the inspection certification on the vehicle is current and valid prior to students boarding the bus.
  1. The vehicle must have a school bus designation if the seating capacity is 10 or more people and the driver must have a Class 4 license.
  1. A Roster of Driver and Passenger form (Attachment 6), bus list section, is completed for each bus and is filed in the office and carried by the teacher.
  1. Certificate of Parental Authority for 15 Passenger Van Use form (see Attachment 9), must be completed prior to use.

C. Public or Other Transportation

It is the responsibility of the principals, vice-principals or field trip supervisor to ensure:

  1. Grade K – 8 students cannot use public transport unaccompanied.
  1. Grade 9 – 12 students can be responsible for their own transportation providing their parents/guardians have given permission and are informed of arrival and departure times.

Other Considerations:

  1. When students are using public transportation they should travel in groups.
  1. Student attendance will be monitored throughout the field trip.

III.  Field Trip Plans (One Day)

The principal or vice-principal shall ensure that there is:

  1. Adequate adult supervision using the following criteria:

a) Elementary Schools – Kindergarten to grade 5: a minimum of 2 adults or a ratio of 1 to 10 students.

b) Middle Schools – Grades 6 to 8: a minimum of 2 adults or a ratio of 1 to 15 students.

c) Secondary – Grades  9 to 12: a minimum of 1 adult per class if within SD61, SD62 and SD63.  If outside of SD61, SD62, SD63, the ratio of 1 adult to 15 students shall apply.

d) Educational Assistants normally assigned to a student with special needs are not to be included in ratios above unless agreed to by the teacher and the principal.

Special Circumstances:

a) Students who participate in work experience/career/special programs are exempted from the criteria above.

b) Field trips that are determined to be potentially more hazardous to students may require additional adult/student supervision ratios, e.g. ski trips, camping trips, rock climbing, West Coast Trail, etc. and a specific Certificate of Parental Authority (Special School Journey) (Attachment 8).

c) Short supervised walking trips within the vicinity of the school.  These trips may be taken with the principal’s permission with relevant information (times, locations) recorded in the field trip calendar.  Supervision requirements and ratios for walkabouts may be reduced to 1 adult per 15 students with permission of the principal if the following factors are taken into consideration: age of the students, needs of the student, nature of the activity and location of the activity.

d) Single day extracurricular activities are exempt from completing the School Field Trip Request form (Attachment 4), but must have a Roster of Driver and Passenger form (Attachment 6) completed.  However, extracurricular activities must be recorded in the field trip calendar.

  1. A roster of student participants, must be kept in the school office with notation of any students who are absent on the day of the field trip.  ‘Walkabout’ types of field trips do not require a roster as the information is already available in the school office.
  1. Provisions must be made to handle emergent situations such as emergency medication, accidents, illness or disciplinary action.

a) Preventative expectations/guidelines must be made known to parents/guardians and students.

b) An emergency phone plan must be in place, when necessary.

c) Provisions for emergencies must be available: First Aid Kit, U.P.P. Kit, a cellular telephone is recommended.

  1. The school office must be notified of any changes to school trip departure, arrival times, or location of activities with the changes noted in the Field Trip Calendar.
  1. There must be a program of instruction given to those students who choose not to participate in the field trip and who remain at school.

IV. Multiple Day Field Trips

(All requirements for Multiple Day Field Trips [pages 6 & 7] must be met.  Please refer to Overnight Accommodation Policy and Regulation 3545.25)

Prior to any multiple day field trips, the principal must ensure that:

a)   Parents/guardians are encouraged and given the opportunity for input and planning into the field trip.

b) A meeting of participants, parents/guardians, administration and supervisors is held prior to the field trip to inform everyone of the terms and conditions of the field trip.

c) Clear guidelines of expectations and procedures for the field trip are established between the school principal, participating staff and parents/guardians.  (See addendum code of conduct “Overnight Accommodation Policy” 3545.25, page 5)

d) Where male students are involved there must be at least one adult male supervisor, and where female students are involved, there must be at least one adult female supervisor.

e) Complete guidelines will be filed in the office respecting the conduct of students participating in the field trip.  This information must contain the destination, locations, residences, telephone numbers, and relevant information.

V.  Multiple Day Field Trips Outside the Province

(All requirements for Multiple Day Field Trips [pages 6 & 7] must be met.  Please refer to Overnight Accommodation Policy and Regulation 3545.25)

  1. For field trips outside of British Columbia, adequate medical insurance coverage must be obtained and information given to all participants prior to the field trip.

Please refer to: Regulation 3545.2 (attachments)

Greater Victoria School District

Approved:   July 1980

Revised:        March 1991

Revised:        October 26, 1998

Revised:        April 2006

Revised:        April 2008

Revised:        September 2008

Revised:        September 2011

Revised:        June 2016



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