The Board shall operate school plants as required to ensure the safety and comfort of students and staff and the protection of school buildings and contents. The following is for the guidance of Custodians.
Cleaning routines shall be scheduled in such a manner so as to provide a clean and attractive building.
Sanitation shall be the first consideration. Washrooms, showers, change rooms and other such areas shall be washed daily with disinfectant.
Classrooms, staff rooms, offices, corridors and other such areas shall be swept daily – washing and waxing to be determined by need. All rubbish from classrooms and shops must be collected and disposed of daily, except at certain times of the year when the amount collected makes this impossible. When this occurs, it must be disposed of as soon as possible. Storage areas must be kept clean and orderly at all times.
Students shall not move a piano without supervision. Movement of pianos from one floor level to another floor level, or from one building to another building shall be the responsibility of the Construction and Maintenance Department. Under no circumstances shall students be allowed to move pianos from one level to another level.
Folding Doors
These doors should be operated by the custodial staff. The principal may, in consultation with the custodian, delegate one of the teaching staff to have possession of a key and be instructed in the safe operation of these doors. Under no circumstances shall students be allowed to operate this equipment. The custodian is to instruct their custodial staff and a delegated teacher in the correct way of opening, closing and securing this equipment. All keys to the controls for these doors are to be kept by the custodian. All mechanical and electrical parts of these doors shall be inspected regularly, lubricated as necessary, and repairs required shall be requisitioned immediately.
Folding Bleachers
When requested by school staff, folding type bleachers are to be operated by the custodial staff only. The keys to this equipment are to be retained by the custodian. Custodial personnel are to be instructed in the proper way to open, close and secure folding bleachers. Local conditions may require two or more people to operate the bleachers. Each time the bleachers are pulled out and secured in the open position, they are to be checked before being used so as to avoid all danger of collapse or other malfunction.
The custodian is to make regular inspections of this equipment, lubricate and make repairs as required, and requisition maintenance assistance when required.
Basketball Backstops
The raising and lowering of basketball backstops by means of an electric drill or by motor-driven winches should be done by the Physical Education staff in secondary schools and the custodian in elementary schools. The principal may, in consultation with the custodian, delegate members of the teaching staff to operate this equipment. The custodian is to instruct their custodial staff and delegated teachers in the correct method of operation. Under no circumstances shall students be allowed to operate this equipment.
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: August 1971
Revised: March 1974
Revised: April 1, 1976
Revised: October 3, 2000
Revised: March 11, 2019
Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.
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