A payment to an employee for a supplementary project is a payment made, in addition to the regular salary or wage, for services performed outside of the normal expected duties and normal scheduled work times of the employee.
These payments, formerly called “honoraria’ payments, are subject to applicable payroll deductions and will be paid through the payroll system.
Eligibility for Payment
All District employee or employee groups are eligible for payments for supplementary projects. Such payments will be made if, and only if, the following conditions apply:
1. The service required is essential to the District.
2. The service cannot be performed by existing employees as part of their normal, expected duties.
3. The service can be provided outside normal scheduled work times and with no adverse impact on the employee’s regular work.
4. The determination of who will receive supplementary work is fairly made and based on the ability of employees in the particular task area.
Amount and Rates of Payment
Fair and consistent standards for rates of pay will be utilized. These are:
1. The amount of pay for the supplementary project will be based on the actual, normal rate of pay for that employee for the time spent.
2. a) Where the employee is covered by a Collective Agreement that specifies a rate of pay other than that in (1) above, work performed as part of the normal expected duties of the employee will be compensated at the rates specified in the Collective Agreement.
b) Work that qualifies as “supplementary projects” according to the definition above, will be paid for on the basis of (1) above.
3. It is permissible to arrange a specified total amount in advance of the work being performed, if the amount reflects the estimated time to be spent and the normal rate of pay for the employee.
Engagements for supplementary projects must be approved in writing by the immediate supervisor prior to the commitment being made. Next level approval beyond the immediate supervisor is required for all supplementary projects engagements, excluding approvals authorized by Principals, Directors, Assistant Superintendents and the Superintendent.
The approval process will be effected through the use of a “Payment to Employees for Supplementary Projects” Form. This form is to be prepared by the immediate supervisor and the employee, is to be approved by the next level of supervisor (if applicable), and will document the reason for and the terms and conditions of the proposed engagement, including the expected timeline, cost and the basis for determining the rate of payment to be utilized.
Description of Service and Rationale
Dates Service is to be performed: _____
Name of Employee: _____
Position: _
Location: _
Total Amount:
Budget Code to be Charged:
Approvals: Date:
Next Level