Regulation 3110 Presentation of New Educational Programs

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Approval must be gained from the Superintendent, or designate, prior to presenting a new educational program to the Board. The Superintendent, or designate, may ask for a presentation to evaluate the proposed educational program.
Recommendations for new educational programs, or extensions of existing programs, should include the following information when presented to the Board for approval.
1. Statement of benefit or need
A clear description of the benefits from the proposed educational program.
2. Evidence of the demand
Number of students who can be expected to take advantage of the program based on certain evidence and student and public demand.
3. Impact on other programs
An explanation of how the proposed program can be expected to work in relation to current programs and any effect it may have upon other programs.
4. Description of program to show how the program will solve the need or problem
a) Proposed curriculum
b) Entry and exit criteria for students with proposed duration of student’s stay in the program
c) Duration of the program
d) Evaluation procedures
e) Comparison with alternative ways of solving the problem.
4. Equipment and space requirements
List needed equipment and space requirements and indicate whether or not they are already available within the system.
5. Cost of program (on budget year basis)
a) Detail all relevant costs (salaries, benefits, supplies, services, etc.) to include:
i. First year costs with particulars of any non-reoccurring start-up costs
ii. Second year costs to indicate impact on future budgets
iii. Cost-per-pupil, with comparison to District norms and other special programs.

b) Indicate the source of revenue for the program i.e. Special Approvals, Federal or Provincial grants, fees, support from the District’s Foundation.

Greater Victoria School District
Approved: December 18, 2017


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