1.0 Selection
The process for the selection of principals shall be as follows:
1.1 When a vacancy is known, the Superintendent of Schools or designate shall meet with the school staff and Parent Advisory Council to solicit input concerning the requirements of the position.
1.2 Shortlisting will be conducted by a committee consisting of the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent and Associate Superintendents.
1.3 Selection will be conducted through a dual interview process consisting of an Advisory and a Selection Committee.
- The Advisory committee will consist of a principal representative from VPVPA who will act as the Chair, and a district representative from the GVTA, CUPE 947, CUPE 382, VCPAC, ASA and a student. The Chair will provide an overview of the strengths of the applicants as potential Principals to the selection committee.
- The Selection Committee will consist of the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent and the Associate Superintendents. The Selection Committee will factor input from the Advisory Committee and select the applicants for the District Eligible Administrator Pool (DEAP) for Principals. The Superintendent will then inform the Board of the successful applicants.
1.4 Candidates assigned to the District Eligible Administrator Pool (DEAP) will remain in the pool for two years. Successful external applicants remain in the pool for one year. After one year, external applicants are reviewed and their references checked. Positive references allow external applicants to remain in the eligibility pool for a second year.
1.5 After being in the pool for two years, all applicants must re-apply. An extension may be provided to individuals within three months of the end of the two year period subject to current references being provided.
2.0 Transfer and Assignment
2.1 The transfer and assignment of principals shall be made by the Superintendent after considering the needs of the schools as determined in consultation with current school administrators, parents and staff.
2.2 As a guideline, 6 – 8 years shall be considered as the preferred length of assignment for a principal in a given school.
2.3 Principal transfers and assignments will normally be made prior to the assignment and transfer of vice-principals and teaching staff.
2.4 The Superintendent or designate will consult with the principals involved in the proposed transfer during all stages of the process.
2.5 Principal assignment changes will be communicated to the Board as information after all affected principals have been informed.
2.6 Principal vacancies that remain following transfers may be filled by assigning candidates from the District Eligible Administrator Pool, taking into consideration the needs of the school and the District.
3.0 Performance Appraisal and Professional Learning
3.1 The evaluation of principal performance will be conducted on a yearly basis using either a summative evaluation in the form of a performance appraisal or a formative evaluation in the form of a professional learning plan.
3.2 An individual shall receive a performance appraisal during the second year of appointment as a principal and every five years thereafter. A principal may also be evaluated using a performance appraisal at any time if deemed necessary by the Superintendent, or if requested by the principal.
3.3 When a principal is evaluated through a performance appraisal a summative report shall be provided.
3.4 In all other years a principal shall participate in a formative evaluation.
4.0 Principal Performance Appraisal Process
The performance appraisal will be comprised of the following:
4.1 Examination of professional learning goals. These goals will be derived from the B.C. Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association (BCPVPA) Leadership Standards.
4.2 The creation of a portfolio by the principal of evidence of work completed in each of the domains of the BCPVPA Leadership Standards.
4.3 Completion of a 360 degree survey tool, the results of which will be made available to the principal only.
4.4 A self-assessment completed by the principal in preparation for an interview conducted by the Superintendent or designate with the principal to review the items listed above.
4.5 The principal who will be involved in a performance appraisal shall be informed as to when the appraisal will take place. Typically this will be early in the school year.
4.6 A meeting will take place prior to commencing the performance appraisal to discuss the elements of the process. This meeting will include a discussion of a timeline for completion of the various elements of the performance appraisal.
4.7 Upon completion of the elements of the performance appraisal a meeting shall take place between the Superintendent or designate and the principal to review all information that has been gathered to ensure that the information is accurate and complete.
4.8 A draft copy of the written performance appraisal shall be prepared by the Superintendent or designate and discussed with the principal. The principal shall be provided with the opportunity to bring additional relevant information forward.
4.9 The written performance appraisal shall be provided to the principal. Should the principal disagree with any part of the final report, the principal may request to have a letter of explanation attached to the final copy of the report.
4.10 All successful principal performance appraisals will be communicated to the Board as information.
5.0 Principal Professional Learning Process
The principal professional learning process will be comprised of the following:
5.1 The principal will annually prepare a professional learning plan with goals derived from the BCPVPA Leadership Standards. The plan will be reviewed with the Superintendent or designate.
5.2 The Superintendent or designate, and the principal, shall meet bi-monthly to review progress toward attaining the professional learning goals.
5.3 The Superintendent or designate will provide appropriate supports to assist the principal in attaining the professional learning goals.
5.4 The Superintendent or designate will provide the principal with a yearly summary of progress related to the principal’s professional learning goals.
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: September 1987
Revised: March 1990
Revised: June 1992
Revised: September 1993
Revised: June 1996
Revised: March 2003
Revised: January 2018