Regulation 2115 Associate Superintendent

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The Associate Superintendent is directly accountable to the Superintendent for ensuring that school principals provide educational leadership that enhances the quality of learning in schools. The Associate Superintendent works with program and student support services to ensure support of realizing school plans, and, further, that school plans are consistent with the District mission and goals.

Specific Responsibilities

1.0       Achievement Contract & Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement  

In consultation with all the constituent elements of the District, and in collaboration with others and members of the District Leadership Team, recommends to the Superintendent revisions and refinements of the Achievement Contract and Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement to ensure it continues to address the priority needs of schools.

Ensures the strategies identified in the Achievement Contract and Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement as they relate to schools and school planning are implemented in the school context.

Communicates school recommendations for district planning consideration, and advocates for specific modification, or development of District strategies and/or actions to address these recommendations.

2.0       Leadership Role

Acts as advocate and provides leadership in support of families of schools in identifying and addressing program, staffing, facility, and other resource needs within each school.

Provides leadership to principals and vice-principals in order to capitalize on the full potential of their abilities. In doing so, will motivate, guide and direct these administrators to contribute their maximum to the realization of the District and school’s goals and objectives.

Communicates and interprets the District’s mission, Achievement Contract and Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement, and belief statements to schools in order to help school administrators define their responsibilities and focus their energies.

Supports and ensures the development of effective school plans which are consistent with District mission, beliefs, Achievement Contract and Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement.

Approves and monitors school plans.

Manages and coordinates the equitable distribution of operating and capital resources to schools in support of their plans and in keeping with District plans.

Ensures that school principals provide instructional leadership that positively affects and enhances the quality of learning in schools.

Encourages, guides, and reviews the performance of school principals to encourage the creation of the optimum learning situation for students.

Regularly visits schools and classrooms to encourage a strong, positive, friendly working relationship with school staff and a good familiarity with the schools’ programs.

3.0       Superintendent

Provides the Superintendent with all the information necessary to exercise properly his/her responsibilities.

Ensures the Superintendent is kept informed of current activities of District schools and provides the Superintendent with formal information on financial matters, education policy and personnel issues when such reports are called for.

4.0       Internal Relationships

Develops positive working relationships between and among other members of the District Leadership Team, District coordinators, school administrators, the Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (Locals 382 and 947) and Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils to encourage and induce the optimum learning situation for students.

5.0       External Relationships

Provides leadership in our families of schools to ensure public understanding and effective community relationships concerning Provincial, District, and school educational directions.

6.0       Developments in Education

Keeps up to date on developments in the field of education in order to ensure the Superintendent has the best possible information on which to address and consider emerging issues.

7.0       Financial and Administrative Management 

Oversees the development and monitors the use, of effective financial and administrative systems for schools and ensures that the financial resources of the District are used efficiently and are within the objectives, policies, plans and budgets established by the Board.

Accountable To:

  • Superintendent of Schools

Key Relationships:

  • Education-Related Organizations
  • Directors and Coordinators
  • District Leadership Team
  • School Staffs
  • Allied Specialists’ Association
  • CUPE Locals 947 and 382 members
  • Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association members
  • Principals and Vice-Principals
  • Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils
  • Ministry of Education officials


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:  October 28, 1991
  • Revised and renamed:  February 20, 2012


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