Regulation 2100 Superintendent

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The Superintendent, as the Chief Executive Officer of the District, is accountable to the Board of Education for the general management of the affairs of the District, for providing educational leadership and for implementing approved policies and programs to ensure the attainment of the objectives established by the Ministry of Education and the Board. In addition, the Superintendent plays a key role in advising the Board and recommending actions to address current and emerging issues.

Specific Responsibilities

1.0 Strategic Planning

In consultation with all the constituent elements of the District, recommends to the Board of Education revisions and refinements to the District Achievement Contract to ensure it continues to address the priority needs of the District.

Ensures the strategies identified in the Achievement Contract are addressed in a timely and effective manner.

On a yearly basis, submits to the Board of Education an analysis of progress in achieving objectives, sets out rationale for variances, and recommends modifications of plan for the next school year.

2.0 Leadership Role

Provides leadership in support of members of the Board in identifying and addressing issues of concern in education and in building understanding and developing consensus around positions and actions to be taken by the District.
Provides leadership to the employees of the District in order to capitalize on the full potential of this critical resource. In doing so, will stimulate, motivate, guide and direct all those on the District staff to contribute their maximum to the realization of the District’s goals and objectives.

3.0 Board of Education

Ensures each member of the Board of Education has all the information necessary to exercise properly their responsibilities. Upon the election of each new Board member, the Superintendent coordinates a program which will provide new members with background information on the District, the role of Board members, and the general issues facing the District at that time.

Ensures the Board is kept current on all activities of the District by preparing reports on operations including financial, education policy and personnel issues as well as other important issues facing the District. Develops and presents recommended courses of action and alternatives to the Board for its consideration.

4.0 Organization and Management of Staff

Develops and maintains an organization structure for the staff of the District that ensures these critical resources are directed towards accomplishing the objectives laid out in the Achievement Contract.

Ensures an effective recruitment and selection program is in place to continue to attract high – caliber staff.

Ensures the establishment of a clear definition of the responsibility of each employee; the ongoing management, direction and motivation of the staff; and a system of measurement of employee performance to ensure that the objectives established in the Achievement Contract are accomplished.

Recommends to the Board of Education, decisions on the selection, promotion and termination of immediate subordinates and reports on the utilization of staff.

5.0 District Policies and Programs

Accountable to the Board for meeting the strategic and operating objectives established for the District, for ensuring the quality of programs, support services, education and research meet standards established by the Board and that all programs operate within approved funding limits.

Recommends new and revised policies and programs to the Board of Education in order to meet the changing education needs of the District and to recognize new developments in the education field.

6.0 Relationship with Key Stakeholders

Develops effective relationships with all agencies, organizations and institutions with common interests with the District including:

6.1 Government of B.C.

Supports the Board in maintaining effective relationships at the political level and ensures the District, through the Superintendent, has a strong and effective working relationship with senior officials in the Ministry of Education.

6.2 Education-Related Organizations

Works in a cooperative manner with other organizations committed to ensuring the public education system is responsive to the needs of the people of the Greater Victoria School District including:

• Allied Specialists’ Association
• Canadian Union of Public Employees
• Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association
• Victoria Administrators’ Association
• Victoria Confederation of Parent
• Advisory Councils
• Municipalities

6.3 Affiliated Provincial, National and International Organizations

Maintains an active involvement in appropriate regional, national and international bodies related to education.

6.4 Media and Community Relations

Maintains and enhances the District’s public image by supporting the Board in developing strategies and approaches for dealing with the media and the community at large ensuring the District has a clear and positive profile.

7.0 Developments in Education

Keeps up to date on developments in the field of  education in order to ensure the District has the best possible information on which to address and consider emerging issues.

8.0 Financial and Administrative Management

Oversees the development and implementation  of effective financial and administrative systems and ensures the utilization of the financial resources of the District are maximized and within the objectives, policies, plans and budgets established by the Board of Education.

Reporting Relationships

Reports to Board of Education

Directly Manages

Associate Superintendents,
Director of Human Resources,
Director of Program Services,
Director of Student Support Services
Director of Facilities
Director of Learning Resources and Information Services
Coordinator of Administrative Services
Coordinator of District Achievement Plan

Key Relationships

District Administrative Staff – Educational and Non-educational
Allied Specialists’ Association
CUPE Locals 947 and 382 members
Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association members
Victoria Administrators’ Association members
Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils
Education-Related Organizations
Ministry of Education officials

Greater Victoria School District
Approved: June 25, 1991
Revised & Renumbered: October 28, 1991
Reviewed: March 2012
Revised: March 2019

Modification to this document is not permitted without prior written consent from the Greater Victoria School District.

Regulation 2100   Page 5 of 5


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