Regulation 1421 Naming School Sites

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1. When naming a school site, the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater Victoria) will appoint a committee to oversee consultation for the development of a suitable name. This will be done pursuant to Policy 1163 and Regulation 1163 – Consultation. The committee should include, at the minimum, the following:

a) A Trustee
b) The Superintendent or their delegate
c) The School Principal
d) A member of the school’s teaching staff
e) A member of the school’s Parent Advisory Council
f) Up to 2 members of the Indigenous community
g) Up to 3 members of the local community

2. The committee may request that the Board approve a specific name for a school site. The request must be accompanied by a report detailing the results of a consultative process carried out pursuant to Policy 1163 and Regulation 1163 – Consultation.

3. The committee must conform with the Province’s Naming Privileges Policy, as amended from time to time.


Reference: (TBD)
Adopted: February 1995
Revised: February 2010, May 2018, February 2019
Frequency of Review: Annual


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