The regulations for posting Web pages on District Web servers are intended to assist in the design and creation of School and department Web page content and to protect both student and employees.
The Greater Victoria School Board encourages the use of the Internet/Intranet servers and the publishing of Web pages to enhance teaching and learning processes and to foster communication within and outside the School District.
Subject to the following regulation, schools in the Greater Victoria School Board have full control over the posting of Web pages and may update or change School Web pages at any time. The posting of Web pages is a form of electronic publication, and is subject to all laws, including the Copyright Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. School Web pages must also be designed to ensure student safety and security. Schools may not publish personal information about students (including personal addresses and phone numbers). Student photographs and names, without direct reference to personal information or e-mail addresses, may be published with a signed release.
Privacy, Safety and Security
All Web page information from District schools must reside on Greater Victoria School Board servers. Departure from this procedure must be sought in writing from the Superintendent or designate prior to posting any School or Department Web page on third party provider servers.
Each principal or designate must identify a person/s as the school web administrator. This person will be responsible for the content of School Web pages.
Names: Full informed, signed consent from a parent or guardian is required when a student’s name is referenced on the District or a School Web page.
Student Work: Full informed, signed consent from a parent or guardian is required before student work is posted on District or School Web pages. When student work is posted, authorship must be acknowledged. (Full name only, first name only and/or initials can be used with permission).
Photographs: Full informed, signed consent from a parent or guardian, is required before identifiable photographs of students are posted on District or school Web pages. Employee photographs may be used when their full-informed written consent has been obtained.
Information: To prevent harassment and protect the privacy of students no personal information beyond the student name may be disclosed on the School or Department web page (e.g., address, phone number, etc.) that would further identify a student. A school may publish employee names and e-mail addresses when full and informed written consent has been obtained.
Sponsorship: Schools wishing to pursue Web page sponsorship may do so conditional on the following:
- The sponsorship must have a relevant educational benefit.
- No links to a Sponsors Web site are to be provided through school Web pages.
- Sponsor logos must be presented in a tasteful manner. Up to two sponsor logos may appear on the School main Web page.
- Sponsors logos on school Web pages may not contain scripts or applets such as Java or ActiveX.
- Sponsorships must be concluded in accordance with District Policy 1325.
Obtaining Full and Informed Consent
Before using any student or employee work, photograph or related information on School or Department Web pages, parents, guardians or employees must be made aware of the activity and then provide written authorization for its use. The School or Department must convey:
- the purpose for the use of appropriate personal information (e.g., name, photograph, etc.).
- the purpose of gathering the information (e.g., education, sale, publicity, etc.)
- the audience for whom it is intended.
- the method of distribution of the information (e.g., Web page, E-mail, etc.).
Written authorization must be obtained from parents and guardians of students and from employees and is valid for as long as the student or employee attends or is working at the authorizing school.
Authorization must initially be obtained beginning in the 2005-2006 school year and will consist of:
- For students: Using a signed “Student Use Agreement” form and “Parent/Guardian Permission Form”, for publishing activities occurring while attending that school; and
- where a student name or photograph is to be used, the authorization form must have a selection where parents and guardians can specifically indicate their wish NOT to have a student’s name or photograph published.
- For employees of the District: using an “Employee Website Consent Form” for publishing activities occurring while the employee is employed at that school.
- Written authorization must be kept on file at the school for as long as the student or employee remains at a specific school, or until the authorization is removed as a result of disciplinary measures taken with respect to inappropriate use.
- When students or employees move to another school in the District, a new signed authorization must be obtained and placed on file at the new school.
All graphic, photographic, video, audio and multimedia content appearing on a School or Department Web page must be original source material. Materials owned through other sources or copyright materials must be accompanied by written authorization from the owner or copyright holder before publication or posting on District Web servers.
Each school main Web page must contain an official and recognizable District logo. The District logo may not be altered in any way and must have separate status by being placed in a corner unoccupied by any other graphic or portion of text.
All published materials on District servers become the property of the Greater Victoria School Board. The Greater Victoria School Board retains full copyright on all posted Web content.
School/Central Office Department Head Responsibilities
School Principals, Central Office Department heads or their designates are responsible for:
- approving the content of their school-based and class-based Web pages.
- ensuring that no inappropriate language nor objectionable content appears on the School or class Web page.
- gathering signed student and employee Web Publishing permission forms.
- reviewing any proposed school home pages under development.
- supervising students assigned to publish School or class Web pages.
- ensuring that all links to other Web pages are reliable and not linked to objectionable or inappropriate sites.
- maintaining authorized access to school or department directories on District Web servers.
- maintaining, updating and removing pages.
District Responsibility
The Web Master in Information Technology manages the GVSD technical Web presence. The Web Master is responsible for:
- maintaining the District Web server.
- posting prepared and appropriately vetted information on the server.
- working with School Principals and Department Heads or designates to update and revise posted information.
- educating individuals to create Web materials and setting standards for Web material production.
- setting Web page storage limits on the District server for each school.
Greater Victoria School District
- Approved: June 26, 2000
- Revised: September 24, 2001
- Revised: May 26, 2003
- Revised: September 26, 2005