Regulation 1300.2 Employee Acceptable Use of Digital Technology

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In connecting employees to a variety of electronic resources, including access to the Internet and connections with other users, the Board of Education recognizes the importance of providing clear guidelines surrounding digital technology usage.

The Board of Education’s technology tools, systems and networks are intended for educational purposes, as well as for business and administrative functions directly in support of the Board of Education’s operation. The Board of Education will ensure that employees and other users are aware of the guidelines and expectations related to technology, as stated below.


2.1 The Director of Information Technology will:

2.1.1 Establish and maintain sustainable service offerings which include:

  • Hardware, software and configuration standards,
  • Operational strategies for hardware and software (ie computer installation, user accounts administration and virus protection strategies).

2.1.2 Provide access to District Technology Resources (websites, e-mail, etc.) to users outside of the Board of Education.

2.1.3 Monitor activity on the District Technology Resources and follow established processes and procedures when necessary, to protect the integrity of the network. Actions may include revoking individual privileges or entire site privileges where it is deemed that temporary exclusion from the network is necessary to maintain the health of the network.

2.1.4 Adhere to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

2.1.5 Provide resources and training to help govern the appropriate use of District Technology Resources.

2.1.6 Ensure that parents/guardians are aware of the individual student’s responsibility to use District Technology Resources in an ethical and educational manner.

2.1.7 Take measures to prevent objectionable and illegal access of information. Internet access carries with it the potential to encounter information that is inappropriate for students. The Board of Education reserves the right to block any external material or content accessed through District Technology Resources.

2.1.8 Endeavor to provide a reliable, sustainable technology environment.

2.2 School/Site Administrators will:

2.2.1 Ensure that current information regarding the appropriate use of technologies is made available to staff, students and parents.

2.2.2 Ensure adequate supervision of students using District Technology Resources through an approved process.

2.2.3 Ensure that school-based technology activities adhere to Board of Education policies, procedures and standards.

2.2.4 Approve site-based technology activities.

2.3 Board of Education Employees

It is the responsibility of every employee to:

2.3.1 Read and comply with:

  • Policy 1300 – Acceptable Use of Digital Technology
  • Regulation 1300.2 – Employee Acceptable Use of Digital Technology
  • Regulation 1300.3 – Student Acceptable Use of Digital Technology

2.3.2 Report incidences of technology misuse to the site principal/manager.


The use of District Technology Resources is a privilege, not a right, and usage may be revoked at any time for inappropriate conduct.

3.1 All employees will:

3.1.1 Protect their provisioned account credentials from others and will not use other users’ passwords and accounts;

3.1.2 Exercise good judgment and use technology for educational or Board of Education related administrative purposes;

3.1.3 Respect Board of Education property and be responsible for its use;

3.1.4 Be courteous and communicate online with the same level of respect as in face-to-face situations at all times;

3.1.5 Respect copyright and software licensing laws;

3.2 Employees are prohibited from:

3.2.1 Attempting to gain unauthorized access to Board of Education accounts, or to go beyond their authorized access;

3.2.2 Revealing their password to anyone;

3.2.3 Using inappropriate language in electronic correspondence;

3.2.4 Engaging in prejudicial or discriminatory activity;

3.2.5 Posting student work, photographs and/or video images on any website without prior written consent from the student and/or parent/guardian;

3.2.6 Posting student’s personal information, such as class lists, marks and demographics, in a non-secure environment;

3.2.7 Copying or downloading copyrighted and/or intellectual property materials, such as movies, music and images;

3.2.8 Posting false or defamatory information;

3.2.9 Knowingly accessing illegal, harassing, obscene, pornographic, racist, libelous, threatening resources that are sexually explicit or promote physical violence;

3.2.10 Using electronic mail to send obscene, anonymous, threatening, libelous, discriminatory, or inflammatory messages;

3.2.11 Accessing, transmitting and/or duplicating materials, in violation of Canadian laws;

3.2.12 Using District Technology Resources for commercial, political or illegal purposes;

3.2.13 Vandalizing or attempting to destroy Board of Education data;

3.2.14 Engaging in spamming activities using District Technology Resources.


4.1 Users must not download computer software or information relating to compromising District Technology Resources. This type of activity will be considered a violation of Policy 1300 – Acceptable Use of Digital Technology.

4.2 Any user identified as a security risk may be denied access to District Technology Resources until further adjudication is performed.

4.3 All incidences of vandalism must be reported to the School/Site Administrator. Where appropriate, the Board of Education will seek reimbursements for costs incurred.

4.4 The Board of Education reserves the right to monitor all user activity of District Technology Resources.


According to Canadian common law and provincial privacy legislation, employees are afforded certain privacy rights related to their use of District Technology Resources. However a search and investigation of any user’s Board of Education issued computer account will be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that the terms of this policy have been violated.

Allegations of unacceptable use of District Technology Resources will be addressed according to established policies and procedures. Discipline for inappropriate use may include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:

5.1 Temporary or permanent revocation of access to some or all of the District Technology Resources;

5.2 Disciplinary action according to applicable Board of Education policies;

5.3 Legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements.


Due to the dynamic nature and associated risks of digital technology, this regulation will be reviewed and revised if necessary on an annual basis.

Greater Victoria School District
Approved: April 23, 2018




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