When Fees May Be Charged
Fees may be charged for the provision of information to individuals or
organizations as follows:
• when permitted under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
and when not restricted under any other legislation;
• for multiple copies of an individual’s personal information or in instances
where the individual has previously received a copy of the requested
• for Certified copies of the Permanent Student Record Card or the Transcript
of Grades;
• for any record that is produced in response to a request and which is not
normally prepared or made available in the course of District operations;
• for material produced with the intent of sale;
• for copies of agenda materials, reports or publications that are presented at
public Board meetings, except if accessed at the meeting;
• for District publications – a listing of available publications and established
fees shall be maintained by the Office of the Superintendent;
A fee may be charged for the provision of information in the above
circumstances whether the information is supplied in a written, verbal or
electronic format.
When Fees May Not Be Charged
• A fee may not be charged where prohibited by the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act or any other statute.
• A fee may not be charged for educational information made available to
students or parents in the ordinary course of providing an educational
program, such as progress reports, newsletters and other communications.
• In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, a
fee may not be charged for access by individuals to their own personal
information. In the case of student records, this includes access by parents or
legal guardians of the student and instances where access to the records is
provided to others with the written consent of the student or the parent/legal
• An individual may, upon appointment, view without a fee being charged,
material that is routinely available and is not produced with the intent of sale.
Waiving of Fees
Fees may be waived:
• for requests not under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act,
by the School Principal or Department Head, where the amount of fees
otherwise chargeable is less than $10;
• in any circumstances, by the Superintendent of Schools or designate, if
necessary to ensure effective public access, or in cases of hardship.
Fees will be waived:
• for requests, under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
where the amount of fees otherwise chargeable is less than $10.
Notification of Fees and Provisions of Estimates
The School or Department will advise the requester whether fees are applicable
and, if applicable, will provide an estimate. A deposit of one half of the
estimated fees will be required prior to the processing of the request if the total
estimated fees exceed $50.
If the actual fees exceed the amount of the estimate, only the estimated amount
will be charged. If the actual amount is less than the estimate provides, the lesser
actual amount will be charged.
Retention of Fees
All fees collected by schools shall be retained by the school and utilized for
funding school programs.
All fees collected by District departments shall be forwarded to the Accounts
Department for deposit and shall be credited to the Department who administers
the respective records, where identifiable or to District revenues.
Amounts Which May Be Charged
For specific records, in accordance with Schedule A.
For records requested under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Act, in accordance with the current Fee Schedule contained in the Act.
(Schedule B)
For records provided routinely and other than for an individual’s own personal
information or as required by statute, a minimum processing charge of $2 plus a
per page copy cost specified in the Act.
For records produced with the intent of sale, amounts as determined by the
respective School Principal or Department Head.
For records produced in response to a request and which are not normally
prepared or made available in the course of District operations, as determined by
the respective School Principal or Department Head.
The Principal of a school and the District Department Head shall be responsible
for ensuring compliance with this Policy and Regulation within their area of
authority. These guidelines shall be consistently applied.
Reference: School Act, Section 100: Fees and Deposits
School Act, Section 103: Power and Capacity
Board Policy and Regulation 6160: Fees/Charges to Students
Board Policy and Regulation 1160: Public Information
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Greater Victoria School District
Approved: May 27, 1996
Renumbered: September 26, 2016 from 1160.1
The following fees schedule shall apply:Board and Financial Records | |||
Listing of Remuneration to Employees, Payments to Suppliers and selected Financial Statements | $5.00 | N/A | |
Audited Financial Statements | $5.00 | N/A | |
Budget Detail | $10.00 | $2 processing charge plus per page copy cost | |
Budget Summary | $5.00 | $2 processing charge plus per page copy cost | |
Board agenda material or reports presented to the Board at public meetings | $5.00 | $2 processing charge plus per page copy cost | |
Board Policy, Regulation and Bylaws | N/A | $2 processing processing charge plus per page copy cost | |
Transcript of Grades | $10.00 | N/A | 1st copy |
$5.00 | next copy | ||
$2.00 | subsequent copy | ||
Permanent Student Record Cards | $10.00 | 2nd copy | |
$5.00 | next copy | ||
$2.00 | subsequent copy | ||
District Publications | |||
Annual Report | $1.00 | May be provided free of charge to current and prospective students or parents. | |
Strategic Plan | $1.00 | May be provided free of charge to current and prospective students or parents. | |
Curriculum Guides | $1.00 | May be provided free of charge to current and prospective students or parents. | |
Secondary Schools Course Guide | $5.00 | Copy of sections thereof provided free of charge to students. | |
Scholarship Handbook | $5.00 | Copy of sections thereof provided free of charge to students. | |
School Operations Manual | $10.00 | $2 processing charge plus per page copy cost | |
District Directory | $10.00 | N/A | |
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy District Manual | $10.00 | N/A | |
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy District Handbook | $2.00 | N/A | |
Handbooks, Manuals (Miscellaneous) | Various | N/A | Minimum $2 charge, maximum as set by applicable Department, not to exceed cost. |
School Publications | |||
School or Class Annuals | Various | N/A | As set by school |
School Agenda Books | Various | N/A | As set by school |
School Calendars, Course Catalogues | Various | N/A | As set by school. Not to exceed cost. May be provided free of charge to current and prospective students or parents. |
Facilities Records | |||
Site maps, building drawings, demographic records | Various | N/A | Minimum $2 charge plus per page cost. Additional charges for time spent locating, retrieving and preparing records may be levied, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act per Schedule B. |
Schedule of Maximum Fees1 | For applicants other than commercial applicants: | |
a) | for locating and retrieving a record | $7.50 per 1/4 hour after the first 3 hours |
b) | for producing a record manually | $7.50 per 1/4 hour |
c) | for producing a record from a machine readable record | $16.50 per minute for cost of useof central mainframe processor and all locally attached devices plus $7.50 per 1/4 hour for developing a computer program to produce the record |
d) | for preparing a record for disclosure and handling a record | $7.50 per 1/4 hour |
e) | for shipping copies | actual costs of shipping method chosen by applicant |
f) | for copying records | |
i) | photocopies and computer printouts | $.25 per page (8.5 x 11, 8.5 x 14), $.30 per page (11 x 17) |
ii) | floppy disks | $10.00 per disk |
iii) | computer tapes | $40.00 per tape, up to 2400 feet |
iv) | microfiche | $10.00 per fiche |
v) | 16 mm microfilm duplication | $25.00 per roll |
vi) | 35 mm microfilm duplication | $40.00 per roll |
vii) | microfilm to paper duplication | $.50 per page |
viii) | photographs - (colour or black and white) | $5.00 to produce a negative $12.00 each for 16 x 20 $9.00 each for 11 x 14 $4.00 each for 8 x 10 $3.00 each for 5 x 7 |
ix) | photographic print of textual, graphic or cartographic record (8 x 10 black and white) | $12.50 each |
x) | hard copy laser print, B/W, 300 dots/inch | $.25 each |
xi) | hard copy laser print, B/W, 1200 dots/ inch | $.40 each |
xii) | hard copy laser print, colour | $1.65 each |
xiii) | photomechanical reproduction of 105 mm cartographic record/plan | $3.00 each |
xiv) | slide duplication | $0.95 each |
xv) | plans | $1.00 per square metre |
xvi) | audio cassette duplication | $10.00 plus $7.00 per 1/4 hour of recording |
xvii) | video cassette (1/4 or 8 mm) duplication | $11.00 per 60 minute cassette plus $7.00 per 1/4 hour of recording; $20.00 per 120 minute cassette plus $7.00 per 1/4 hour of recording |
xviii) | video cassette(1/2) duplication | $15.00 per cassette plus $11.00 per 1/4 hour of recording |
xix) | video cassette (3/4) duplication | $40.00 per cassette plus $11.00 per 1/4 hour of recording. |
2 | For commercial applicants for each service listed in item 1 | the actual cost of providing that service. |