Regulation 1160.2 Personal Information Received in Confidence

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The District recognizes that personal information may be collected and used on an in confidence basis in certain circumstances, including:

  • where required by statute
  • with the informed consent of the individual(s) about whom the information is being collected
  • recruitment of employees and evaluations of employees, subject to terms of collective agreements or contracts
  • sexual harassment, as per Board Policy 4116 or child abuse, as per Board Policy 5140
  • investigations of misconduct on the part of employees or students
  • where there is reason to believe that students, employees or others are at risk of harm.

Information from anonymous sources will normally not be accepted and if accepted, will only be acted upon if required by statute or if not to so act would place students, employees or others at risk of harm.

Prior to information being received, the expectations as to the confidentiality of the information and the identity of the supplier of the information should be clarified with the information provided.  If information is being received on an in confidence  basis, the reasons for confidentiality should be documented.

When information is received in confidence about a student or employee, the student or employee will normally be entitled to know that information was received and the content of the information, unless the information is being considered in an investigation that has not yet been concluded or if the confirmation of receipt or disclosure of the content would identify the supplier of the information.

Information collected in confidence will be kept secure and released only as needed to conduct any required investigation and to resolve the issue that the information addresses.

Fair and just process, in accordance with Board Policy, shall be followed in all investigations and adjudication of complaints or disputes involving confidential personal information.  Procedures for the resolution of disputes or complaints will be consistent with the Board Bylaw on Appeals, other relevant Board Policy and established District process.


Greater Victoria School District

  • Approved:  June 24, 1996



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