Regulation 1155 Complaint Process for a Resolution of Concerns

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The Complaint Process ensures that any individual’s concern will be given respectful attention while upholding the integrity of the educational system. It provides clear procedures for the communication and resolution of any concern held by members of our Educational Community. The Educational Community includes parents, students, all Greater Victoria School District employees and members of the public.

1. Any Greater Victoria School District employee contacted by a member of the Educational Community with a concern will advise the person of the complaint process and encourage the person to express the concern to the individual involved.

2. Every effort should be made to resolve the concern at Step 1 of the process.

3. The process will be carried out within a reasonable time frame.

4. The person with the concern must be informed of the progress in each step of the process.

5. The process does not deny access to the Greater Victoria School Board’s Bylaw 9330.1 “Appeal Process Decisions Regarding Students” to resolve a concern held by a member of the Educational Community.


Step 1 Initial Contact

The person(s) will express the concern(s) to the individual involved.
a) Both parties will attempt to:
– Define the concern(s);
– Clarify the issue(s);
– Develop an appreciation and understanding of each other’s point of view;
– Resolve the concern(s).
If there is no resolution, the staff member will refer to the principal/supervisor.

Step 2 Facilitated Contact

The person(s) will meet with the principal/ supervisor or designate. At the meeting the principal/ supervisor or designate will:
– Gather information;
– Attempt to resolve the concern(s);
– Document the information by recording issue(s) and possible solution(s);
– Resolve the concern(s).
If there is no resolution, proceed to Step 3

Step 3 District Contact

The principal/ supervisor will forward all documentation to the Associate Superintendent/ Director with recommendation(s) for resolution of the concern(s).
The Associate Superintendent/ Director will review all information relevant to the matter:
– contact the concerned person;
– attempt to resolve the concern and inform the person(s) involved.
If there is no resolution, proceed to Step 4

Step 4

The Associate Superintendent/ Director will forward all documentation to the Superintendent
a) The Superintendent will gather all information relevant to the concern(s) and, if necessary, will meet with the parties to resolve the concern(s).
It is anticipated that the concern(s) will be resolved prior to Step 4, if not, Bylaw 9330.1 “Appeal Process Decisions Regarding Students” should be considered.


Reference: Section 7.1, 26.1, 85, School Act
Adopted: November 25, 1996
Revised: December 6, 2011


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