Policy 8210 Board Orientation

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1.1 Incumbent Trustees and the Superintendent shall assist each newly elected trustees to understand the Board’s function, policies, and procedures before said trustee takes office.




3.1 Following the filing of nomination papers and during the period of their candidacy, the Superintendent will cooperate impartially with all candidates in providing them with information about the organization.
3.2 Once elected, the Board Chair, with the assistance of the Superintendent of Schools, will
arrange for a series of meetings with trustees, the Superintendent and other district staff for the purpose of acquainting the newly-elected trustees with:

3.2.1 the roles of the Corporate Board and individual trustees;
3.2.2 the administration organizational structure and the roles and functions of the Superintendent and other district staff;
3.2.3 the strategic plan;
3.2.4 the policy and regulation development process;
3.2.5 the budget process;
3.2.6 the Board meeting agenda development process;
3.2.7 programs and services in the district;
3.2.8 participation in the New Trustees’ Academy organized by the British Columbia School Trustees’ Association;
3.2.9 relationship with Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations;
3.2.10 relationship with the Métis Nation of Greater Victoria;
3.2.11 relationship with the Urban Indigenous Peoples’ House Advisory (UPHIA);
3.2.12 other foundational documents including, but not limited to, Board bylaws, policies and regulations, ministerial orders, School Act and regulations, Robert’s Rules, latest board budget, committee structure and committee terms of reference, previous outstanding board motions and letters of advocacy;
3.2.13 and other areas as required or requested.


4.1 The Board of Education is responsible to ensure compliance with the School Act
4.2 The Superintendent is responsible to ensure that District policy is upheld and regulations are enforced.



Greater Victoria School District
Adopted:       September 1962

Various revisions:
Revised:         December 18, 1978
Revised:         November 1981
Revised:         June 20, 2022


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